(Ithaca HOUR News is sent to 1,631 residents, once or twice monthly)
*************** HOURS Go Global **************
We've just received a letter stating that the United Nations has convened a committee to explore promoting HOURS worldwide as a unit of money. We're getting details.
And yesterday Ithaca HOURS were visited by a top official of China's
central bank, sent from Beijing by the President of the People's Bank of
China (their Alan Greenspan) to talk about adopting HOURS as money in
China. Wen Tiejun will report directly to the bank's president, who will
deliver the report directly to China's Premier.
According to Wen, China is profoundly concerned that the world
economy has become dependent on U.S. dollars, which he says (as we've said)
is backed by market speculation (98% of daily trade) and military control
of foreign oil, rather than by real goods. So China's looking for a new
and stable form of money, backed directly by labor, before the dollar
bubble breaks.
Your willingness to accept HOURS has brought us to this level of influence.
***************** New Ithaca! ***************** This new free Ithaca newspaper contains a directory of over 200 progressive local organizations, a critique of local media, a description of grassroots economic development, independent media links, and the Tompkins County Green Party ballot guide.
***************** Health Fund *****************
The Fund has brought in $70,000 and has been expanding health payment categories as we grow. We're meeting with county officials to organize a nonprofit dental clinic. Health Fund
**************** Rock for Ralph ***************
A benefit concert for the Tompkins County Green Party, October 29 at Odyssey at 8pm, accepts HOUR donations.
************** Littletree Orchards ************
"Hey, Just wanted to remind you all that Littletree accepts 100% Ithaca
HOURS. Also we have a new web page with recipes, directions, prices and
lots more!"
Thanks, Littlepeople at Littletree
*************** HOURS at GreenStar ************
It's good to diversify your HOUR spending. For example, GreenStar's staff turnover requires us to connect new staff to accepting HOURS, to balance circulation. Please keep HOURS moving, in many places.
****************** HOUR Loans *****************
We've got loan requests from Autumn Leaves Used Books and from ABC Cafe, both of which are expanding. HOUR loans are available interest-free. For more information: [email protected]