[This is the second of two messages sent monthly to 4,208 Ithaca area residents]
The Annual ELLIS HOLLOW COUNTRY FAIR will be held this year on Saturday, September 8th from noon until 4pm. Highlights include an AUCTION of Goods and Services from local area businesses at 1PM; RAFFLE for the 2001 Ellis Hollow Quilt "Autumn Leaves" will be at 3PM plus GAMES, chicken BBQ, CRAFTS, dried flowers, books and a huge WHITE ELEPHANT SALE are just a few of the things to see and do. Fair page
A young couple has recently moved back to Ithaca from Florida BECAUSE THEY MISSED THE SNOW.
WHAT TO PUT IN THE CVS BUILDING? PLANTS FOR LIFE SALE to benefit local cancer support organizations: September 8, 10am- 1pm at the Women's Community Building. Thousands of native plants-- perennials, shrubs and trees, bulbs, grasses, houseplants, and much more. Proceeds to ITHACA BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE and ITHACA CANCER NETWORK. "The special plants have all been cultivated in the private gardens of more than 40 gardeners from throughout the area; by the greenhouse crew of the Ken Post Labs at Cornell University, members of the Bailey Hortorium, Cornell Plantations, the Cornell Hortus Forum; and by several local specialty nurseries. The plants will all be potted and ready for fall planting. A SILENT AUCTION OF SELECTED PLANT TREASURES will also be held, and specialty nurseries will contribute unusual varieties from their greenhouses." [email protected] [email protected].
FIRST FRIDAYS (sponsored by Black professionals, all welcome) has a New Website http://come.to/ffcny 1. CLICK on the Guestbook 2. SIGN the guestbook 3. WIN a prize at First Fridays, September 7th
SOUTHWEST PARK-- The City's Planning Board is considering whether to approve Widewaters new site plan without a full, legitimate environmental impact statement (rather than just the Generic EIS). Ithacans are encouraged to come to the PLANNING BOARD'S MEETING TUESDAY EVENING 8/28 at 6pm in City Hall, 108 Green Street in support of the call for a full environmental review of this project. The Planning Board will allow general comments from the public at the very beginning of the meeting, so if you can come, and if you wish to speak, please get there no later than 6pm.
WIDEWATERS (real estate developer owned by Pyramid corporation) has sent out a slick mailing to a large selected list urging them to attend this and other meetings and to contact city officials urging them to approve this project. http://www.ithacahours.com/icn.swmeeting.html
A PETITION CAMPAIGN Requesting Fair and Due process by developer and by City Agencies states: "We are requesting information in order to better understand all of the impacts on the community, and also who will pay for the infrastructure improvements? Tax payer or developer?" More info on SW plan
The ITHACA BIRTH GROUP, founded in 1975, offers "a seminar discussion series on topics related to pregnancy, birth, parenting and successful breastfeeding. We welcome friends, family and all interested parties to our discussions. Our emphasis is empowering women in making informed choices and being active participants regarding their birth and parenting experience." The next four-week series begins on September 5 at 7pm at 105 E. Marshall St., Ithaca. Gail 277 3455 or Jennifer 387 6694
MUSEFEST with MORE THAN 50 BANDS is Ithaca's "cooperatively run free music festival." Aug 31 to Sept 2. http://www.musefest.org Hourly transportation from/to See-Spot Gallery, 108 The Commons.
** August 28. 1944: A 40-TON OAK TREE crashes to earth between the home and garage, narrowly missing everything. "I have never seen anything that looked more like a miracle," says Mrs. Head. Minutes earlier children had played beneath the tree, at 111 Cascadilla Park. ** August 29, 1957: Tracy Lobdell of Pittsburgh visits his hometown after 52 YEARS AWAY. He finds his childhood playgrounds and declares, "My advice to Ithacans would be to stay in Ithaca. You'll never find a more delightful place in which to live." ** August 30, 1965: EARLIEST FREEZE: 32 degrees. ** August 31, 1933: Strange bird in a farmyard is identified as an ALBATROSS, blown inland by a hurricane, 7,000 miles from its home. 1886: EARTHQUAKE shakes chandeliers and stops the depot clock. ** September 1, 1913: 700 union workers celebrate LABOR DAY with a grand parade led by the Ithaca Band. Groups carry large banners titled: "Plumbers," "Barbers," "Cigarmakers," and "Ain't It a Dandy Day?"
ITHACA HEALTH FUND RECENTLY PAID $1,539.68 to cover all costs of a member's broken bone. The Fund then fully replenished within a week. BRAD E. says, "I am self-employed, and last year I bought into the Health Fund to supplement a catastrophic injury plan that has a very high deductible. Last month I broke my collarbone. The bills would have been a real hardship for me, but the Health Fund stepped in immediately with no red tape. It was a lifesaver."
ANNUAL CPARN POTLUCK DINNER-- The Cornell Participatory Action Research Network is a diverse group of students, faculty and other practitioners who share a commitment to promoting high standards of intellectual and social integrity in doing SOCIAL RESEARCH FOR SOCIAL CHANGE. Students, Faculty and the Community are welcome: 5:00 PM, Thursday, September 13 at The Historic Miller-Heller House ( 122 Eddy St.): 5:00 Mingling and hors-d'oeuvres; 5:30 Introductions; 6:00 Dinner and Poster Display; 7:00 Small Group Discussions. Please bring a dish to pass. "We would truly love to have more community-based people in the organization and the potluck will be a great opportunity to start networking." [email protected]
SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS WATCH is planning a road show with workshops on media, non-violence, legal, puppet-making, and more. "We are sending buses and arranging hotel rooms." Local contact info for trainings and travel arrangements is CUSLAR 255-7293 [email protected] or Ithaca Catholic Worker (Ellen) 277-6932. [email protected] http://www.soaw.org
"This newsletter is important and you are doing quite a job. Keep it up! What are your thoughts on a city-wide unity day that celebrates all of Ithaca's Ithacans of every ethnic background. Philadelphia is a good model for this in that they have the most progressive Unity day in the country." --Joseph Smith [email protected]
"I thank you so much for all you do and type- you make it so easy for us to discover the awesome ithaca stuff that is happening all the time-- you do such a wonderful thing giving such great information and knowledge- such a part of bringing community together more and more!" --Kristen Haddad
"Thanks so much for including my Religion and Health blurb in your newsletter. About 20 have already contacted me for more information." --Karen [email protected]
"Thanks for putting together the Ithaca Community News. I really appreciate receiving this great information." --HØùlØùne
Someone forwarded the Ithaca Community News to me. I'd like to subscribe-- how do I do that? Thanks for putting this together, very nice. --Gail
CAROL KAMMEN-- Historian, Author and Playwright-- Talks about the NAMING OF OUR LOCAL LANDSCAPE Wednesday August 29th at 7pm at Tompkins County Public Library. This is the latest in the Series "Landscapes of Self and Place: Local Authors and Their Views of Home."
"This area of New York has worn a number of names, all telling us something about how Tompkins County has been perceived. At first it was part of Iroquoia - the land of the Cayuga Indians, which they shared with southern tribes displaced by settlement and war. Then it was the land through which general Sullivan and his invading arm marched. Later it was the frontier, the Military Tract, and area of speculatorsØù dreams, the land of silly names, the Burned-over District. All these names describe the land and the people who once lived here. These, and many other names, will be the subject of Carol KammenØùs talk which will culminate in a discussion of what we call this area today: how do we regard the land that is our home?"
LOCAL CURRENCY IN CHINA has begun on the mainland and south of Hong Kong, following a visit to Ithaca by People's Bank officials.
ITHACA HOUR DISBURSEMENTS are seen graphed. Over $85,000 of HOURS have been issued since 1991, and millions of dollars value traded, but tourists have taken so many HOURS away that trading has decreased. HOUR loans, at zero percent interest, are offered, to increase the HOUR supply and meet microlending needs. Repayable with HOURS or dollars. See loan info at
ITHACA HOURS, Inc. has become the 16th local group to endorse the LIVABLE WAGE Campaign.
WOMEN IN SONG, a musical celebration to benefit Ithaca's Women's Opportunity Center, will be held on Sunday, September 16, 2001 from 4pm to 8pm at the Ithaca Farmers Market Pavilion. This family musical event will feature up to 12 female performers and small ensembles including vocal quartet A Touch of Velvet, fiddler Laurie Hart, children's puppeteer Mrs. McPuppet, storyteller/singer Regi Carpenter, songstresses Valerie Anne Akers, Colleen Kattau, Cookie Koogan, folksingers Amy Glicklich and Mary Lorson, vocalist Margaret Wakely-Harris and teen trio It's My Party. Food and children's activities will add to the festivities. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair. Tickets ($10/adult, $5 kids 5-12, Free under 5) are available through the Women's Opportunity Center or at the gate: 272-1520 .
Directions to EcoVillage: From downtown Ithaca, take Route 79 West. From the intersection of Route 13 and Route 79, proceed 1&1/2 mile west on 79. Turn left on Rachel Carson Way. Follow gravel road to Visitor Parking at EcoVillage. More info & lunch reservations: 255-8276
THE COBBLER, Ithaca's monthly newspaper promoting grassroots globalization and sharply challenging corporate globalization, has just put another issue on the streets. Information hard to find elsewhere. [email protected]
Did you know that the 2,000 daily papers in the U.S. are owned by SIX companies? (Worldwatch Institute, March/April 2001)
BOOKMARK: The best news site on the web is found at www.Commondreams.org Presents clear links to conventional news like Associated Press, plus hundreds of independent media.
WATERCOLOR CLASSES "Painting from the Heart and Soul" will start in October. Lisa Baechtle at 589-6077. Ithaca HOURS 50%
New fall VINI YOGA CLASSES starting September 10 at Tiamat Studio, 136 The Commons: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays. Also Anabel Taylor Hall (Weds.) Gisela Konrad 273-5464 [email protected] 10% Health Fund discount.
CHESS TOURNAMENT-- 4 rounds-- Sept 15, at Ithaca College. Cash prizes. $18 entry. Karl Heck [email protected] 844-5464
MUNDO GITANO WORLD IMPORT SHOP 320 E. State now accepts 100% HOURS.
WELLNESS FOR WOMEN: annual physical, PAP test, breast exam, personalized evaluation, family planning/postpartum consultation, referrals. Health Fund discount 25%. Linda Schutt, NYS lic Midwife 277-7717
MYTHACA GAMES, 105 S. Cayuga St.
SHARE FARM GARAGE SALE, BAKED GOODS & PRODUCE to raise funds for purchase of land for the Cayuga Nation. Corner of Great Gully and Truesdale Rds off of Rte 90 between Aurora & Union Springs. 315-889-7371
CLUB ITHACA: Bowling parties at Ide's Lanes for ages 11-15, Wednesdays 7- 10pm. $5.00 or Half HOUR.
ISHAYA YOGA http://www.Ishaya.marketgroup.com 539-7117 Bodhidev
FEAR COUNSELING (spiders, speaking, etc) Michael Marks 272-0582
PINWHEEL DESIGNS hemp clothing "original hats, jewelry, fiber art" Bizzett 269-0780
See also www.ithacahours.org
TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL ORGANIZATION for WOMEN (NOW) meets Thursday, September 6 at 7:30 at the Women's Community Building. Showing the documentary "THE HANDS THAT HELP," about the work of caring and finding dignity in the struggle for sustainable wages. "Paraprofessionals, teaching assistants and aides in the classroom, provide hands-on assistance to students, but starting wages remain at $6.72/hour and many more long-term paraprofessionals' wages hover just above the poverty level. The nature of caring professions, 'women's work' is underpaid and undervalued, justified by a value system rooted in the subordination of women's contributions to the vitality of our economy. This film brings paraprofessionals' important contributions to our school system out from hiding and uncovers the hard choices made in the world of low wage work. Jen Bloom, the producer of the documentary, will be there to facilitate a discussion about the film and working women."
HARVEST DELI, Ithaca's vegan eatery in Center Ithaca, is for sale. Contact P.J. Gueldner 272-4870 [email protected]
The LAUREL & LAUREL SHOW "How Art Changed the World" featuring performance art by Laurel Hecht & Laurel Guy: Friday, September 7 at 7pm, Autumn Leaves Used Books, 2nd floor gallery, 115 The Commons. RSVP 273-2120 Continues to Sept 28.
CARTOONS & CARDBOARD by Paul Glover at ABC Cafe, during September.
SEE-SPOT GALLERY BENEFIT PARTY, Friday, August 31 from 9pm to ? 108 The Commons. $5.00 or Half HOUR. "See Spot is a cooperative creativity collective committed to support emerging artists."
LABOR COALITION HIRING 10-20 hours/week at a pay rate of $12.55/hour. "The jobs would primarily be in the area of occupational safety and health, though the labor coalition is involved in many activities focused on worker and union empowerment. Projects include: internal organizing among CU food service and custodial workers (UAW 2300) to identify and cultivate health and safety leaders particularly involving ergonomics and injury prevention; organizing and teaching one hour OSHA rights programs for youth; providing ergonomics awareness programs; reaching out to organizations who work with vulnerable workers (low income, immigrant, people of color, low literacy) and the workers themselves with the purpose of providing information and training about OSHA rights; outreach to area unions, workers and businesses to create opportunities for us to provide ergonomic services (provided by Greg Shaw, our staff ergonomist); outreach and training to area unions in the development of health and safety committees; organize workplace and domestic violence training programs for local human service agencies and others; possibly develop and teach sexual harassment programs for workers in the building trades. Specific job tasks would be worked out collegially. Other projects, like the living wage campaign, could also be included. The health and safety material is non-technical and easily learned. We are a non-hierarchical, mostly self-managed, congenial, work environment. Women and persons of color strongly encouraged to apply." --Carl Feuer [email protected]
GOSSIPY TALES OF FRIENDSHIP AND FAMILY, readings by Irene Zahava, Creative Writer and Teacher. Sunday September 9th at 2pm, Tompkins County Public Library. Co-sponsored by The Bookery. "Irene Zahava takes us back to her childhood in Brooklyn, a landscape familiar to many of us... set in a time long gone."
ANIMAL TESTING AT CORNELL is challenged by The Cornell Liberator
SMALL TALES SCHOOL: Learning through Creativity with Ithaca storyteller and teacher, Regi Carpenter: "I am opening a preschool with stories and nature at its center. In a beautiful country setting your child will enjoy cooking, nature studies, year round outdoor play, yoga, music and creative play. Full-time and part-time available." Ithaca HOURS accepted. 539-7089
RAP SESSIONS Monday and Thursday nights 7pm at 308 E. Seneca St. hosted by "The Twelve Tribes" 273-6021 [email protected]
PROGRESSIVE FESTIVAL WITH FIVE BANDS & OVER 30 LOCAL GROUPS sponsored by the Tompkins County Green Party, September 7 on the Ithaca Commons from 4-9pm. More about the Tompkins County Green Party
"THE FLICKERING FLAME: The Life and Legacy of Chief Turkey Tayac" FREE MOVIE at the Multicultural Resource Center, 210 West State Steet, August 29, 7 - 9pm. Produced and directed by local filmmaker Jason Corwin, this documentary details the powerful story of one person's determined struggle to keep his peoples' culture and tradition alive into the 20th century. Just south of Washington, DC, the Piscataway Indians have maintained a presence for over a thousand years. Chief Turkey returned to his peoples' homelands after WWI and learned to heal his injuries with traditional herbal remedies. He became a renowned herbal medicine man in the area and fought for the preservation of his culture and the sacred burial grounds of his people. 327-0734 [email protected]
CONCERT TO CLOSE "SCHOOL OF AMERICAS" presents some of Ireland's best musicians-- Karan Casey (formerly of Solas) and Lunasa! Sunday, September 16 at 7pm, Statler Auditorium, Cornell, Tickets $15 in advance $17 at the door. Tickets at Greenstar, Small World Music, Ithaca Guitar Works, and Alternatives Library. 277-6932
[This is the second of two messages sent monthly to 4,208 Ithaca area residents]
The Annual ELLIS HOLLOW COUNTRY FAIR will be held this year on Saturday, September 8th from noon until 4pm. Highlights include an AUCTION of Goods and Services from local area businesses at 1PM; RAFFLE for the 2001 Ellis Hollow Quilt "Autumn Leaves" will be at 3PM plus GAMES, chicken BBQ, CRAFTS, dried flowers, books and a huge WHITE ELEPHANT SALE are just a few of the things to see and do. Fair page
A young couple has recently moved back to Ithaca from Florida BECAUSE THEY MISSED THE SNOW.
WHAT TO PUT IN THE CVS BUILDING? PLANTS FOR LIFE SALE to benefit local cancer support organizations: September 8, 10am- 1pm at the Women's Community Building. Thousands of native plants-- perennials, shrubs and trees, bulbs, grasses, houseplants, and much more. Proceeds to ITHACA BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE and ITHACA CANCER NETWORK. "The special plants have all been cultivated in the private gardens of more than 40 gardeners from throughout the area; by the greenhouse crew of the Ken Post Labs at Cornell University, members of the Bailey Hortorium, Cornell Plantations, the Cornell Hortus Forum; and by several local specialty nurseries. The plants will all be potted and ready for fall planting. A SILENT AUCTION OF SELECTED PLANT TREASURES will also be held, and specialty nurseries will contribute unusual varieties from their greenhouses." [email protected] [email protected].
FIRST FRIDAYS (sponsored by Black professionals, all welcome) has a New Website http://come.to/ffcny 1. CLICK on the Guestbook 2. SIGN the guestbook 3. WIN a prize at First Fridays, September 7th
SOUTHWEST PARK-- The City's Planning Board is considering whether to approve Widewaters new site plan without a full, legitimate environmental impact statement (rather than just the Generic EIS). Ithacans are encouraged to come to the PLANNING BOARD'S MEETING TUESDAY EVENING 8/28 at 6pm in City Hall, 108 Green Street in support of the call for a full environmental review of this project. The Planning Board will allow general comments from the public at the very beginning of the meeting, so if you can come, and if you wish to speak, please get there no later than 6pm.
WIDEWATERS (real estate developer owned by Pyramid corporation) has sent out a slick mailing to a large selected list urging them to attend this and other meetings and to contact city officials urging them to approve this project. http://www.ithacahours.com/icn.swmeeting.html
A PETITION CAMPAIGN Requesting Fair and Due process by developer and by City Agencies states: "We are requesting information in order to better understand all of the impacts on the community, and also who will pay for the infrastructure improvements? Tax payer or developer?" More info on SW plan
The ITHACA BIRTH GROUP, founded in 1975, offers "a seminar discussion series on topics related to pregnancy, birth, parenting and successful breastfeeding. We welcome friends, family and all interested parties to our discussions. Our emphasis is empowering women in making informed choices and being active participants regarding their birth and parenting experience." The next four-week series begins on September 5 at 7pm at 105 E. Marshall St., Ithaca. Gail 277 3455 or Jennifer 387 6694
MUSEFEST with MORE THAN 50 BANDS is Ithaca's "cooperatively run free music festival." Aug 31 to Sept 2. http://www.musefest.org Hourly transportation from/to See-Spot Gallery, 108 The Commons.
** August 28. 1944: A 40-TON OAK TREE crashes to earth between the home and garage, narrowly missing everything. "I have never seen anything that looked more like a miracle," says Mrs. Head. Minutes earlier children had played beneath the tree, at 111 Cascadilla Park. ** August 29, 1957: Tracy Lobdell of Pittsburgh visits his hometown after 52 YEARS AWAY. He finds his childhood playgrounds and declares, "My advice to Ithacans would be to stay in Ithaca. You'll never find a more delightful place in which to live." ** August 30, 1965: EARLIEST FREEZE: 32 degrees. ** August 31, 1933: Strange bird in a farmyard is identified as an ALBATROSS, blown inland by a hurricane, 7,000 miles from its home. 1886: EARTHQUAKE shakes chandeliers and stops the depot clock. ** September 1, 1913: 700 union workers celebrate LABOR DAY with a grand parade led by the Ithaca Band. Groups carry large banners titled: "Plumbers," "Barbers," "Cigarmakers," and "Ain't It a Dandy Day?"
ITHACA HEALTH FUND RECENTLY PAID $1,539.68 to cover all costs of a member's broken bone. The Fund then fully replenished within a week. BRAD E. says, "I am self-employed, and last year I bought into the Health Fund to supplement a catastrophic injury plan that has a very high deductible. Last month I broke my collarbone. The bills would have been a real hardship for me, but the Health Fund stepped in immediately with no red tape. It was a lifesaver."
ANNUAL CPARN POTLUCK DINNER-- The Cornell Participatory Action Research Network is a diverse group of students, faculty and other practitioners who share a commitment to promoting high standards of intellectual and social integrity in doing SOCIAL RESEARCH FOR SOCIAL CHANGE. Students, Faculty and the Community are welcome: 5:00 PM, Thursday, September 13 at The Historic Miller-Heller House ( 122 Eddy St.): 5:00 Mingling and hors-d'oeuvres; 5:30 Introductions; 6:00 Dinner and Poster Display; 7:00 Small Group Discussions. Please bring a dish to pass. "We would truly love to have more community-based people in the organization and the potluck will be a great opportunity to start networking." [email protected]
SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS WATCH is planning a road show with workshops on media, non-violence, legal, puppet-making, and more. "We are sending buses and arranging hotel rooms." Local contact info for trainings and travel arrangements is CUSLAR 255-7293 [email protected] or Ithaca Catholic Worker (Ellen) 277-6932. [email protected] http://www.soaw.org
"This newsletter is important and you are doing quite a job. Keep it up! What are your thoughts on a city-wide unity day that celebrates all of Ithaca's Ithacans of every ethnic background. Philadelphia is a good model for this in that they have the most progressive Unity day in the country." --Joseph Smith [email protected]
"I thank you so much for all you do and type- you make it so easy for us to discover the awesome ithaca stuff that is happening all the time-- you do such a wonderful thing giving such great information and knowledge- such a part of bringing community together more and more!" --Kristen Haddad
"Thanks so much for including my Religion and Health blurb in your newsletter. About 20 have already contacted me for more information." --Karen [email protected]
"Thanks for putting together the Ithaca Community News. I really appreciate receiving this great information." --HØùlØùne
Someone forwarded the Ithaca Community News to me. I'd like to subscribe-- how do I do that? Thanks for putting this together, very nice. --Gail
CAROL KAMMEN-- Historian, Author and Playwright-- Talks about the NAMING OF OUR LOCAL LANDSCAPE Wednesday August 29th at 7pm at Tompkins County Public Library. This is the latest in the Series "Landscapes of Self and Place: Local Authors and Their Views of Home."
"This area of New York has worn a number of names, all telling us something about how Tompkins County has been perceived. At first it was part of Iroquoia - the land of the Cayuga Indians, which they shared with southern tribes displaced by settlement and war. Then it was the land through which general Sullivan and his invading arm marched. Later it was the frontier, the Military Tract, and area of speculatorsØù dreams, the land of silly names, the Burned-over District. All these names describe the land and the people who once lived here. These, and many other names, will be the subject of Carol KammenØùs talk which will culminate in a discussion of what we call this area today: how do we regard the land that is our home?"
LOCAL CURRENCY IN CHINA has begun on the mainland and south of Hong Kong, following a visit to Ithaca by People's Bank officials.
ITHACA HOUR DISBURSEMENTS are seen graphed. Over $85,000 of HOURS have been issued since 1991, and millions of dollars value traded, but tourists have taken so many HOURS away that trading has decreased. HOUR loans, at zero percent interest, are offered, to increase the HOUR supply and meet microlending needs. Repayable with HOURS or dollars. See loan info at
ITHACA HOURS, Inc. has become the 16th local group to endorse the LIVABLE WAGE Campaign.
WOMEN IN SONG, a musical celebration to benefit Ithaca's Women's Opportunity Center, will be held on Sunday, September 16, 2001 from 4pm to 8pm at the Ithaca Farmers Market Pavilion. This family musical event will feature up to 12 female performers and small ensembles including vocal quartet A Touch of Velvet, fiddler Laurie Hart, children's puppeteer Mrs. McPuppet, storyteller/singer Regi Carpenter, songstresses Valerie Anne Akers, Colleen Kattau, Cookie Koogan, folksingers Amy Glicklich and Mary Lorson, vocalist Margaret Wakely-Harris and teen trio It's My Party. Food and children's activities will add to the festivities. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair. Tickets ($10/adult, $5 kids 5-12, Free under 5) are available through the Women's Opportunity Center or at the gate: 272-1520 .
Directions to EcoVillage: From downtown Ithaca, take Route 79 West. From the intersection of Route 13 and Route 79, proceed 1&1/2 mile west on 79. Turn left on Rachel Carson Way. Follow gravel road to Visitor Parking at EcoVillage. More info & lunch reservations: 255-8276
THE COBBLER, Ithaca's monthly newspaper promoting grassroots globalization and sharply challenging corporate globalization, has just put another issue on the streets. Information hard to find elsewhere. [email protected]
Did you know that the 2,000 daily papers in the U.S. are owned by SIX companies? (Worldwatch Institute, March/April 2001)
BOOKMARK: The best news site on the web is found at www.Commondreams.org Presents clear links to conventional news like Associated Press, plus hundreds of independent media.
WATERCOLOR CLASSES "Painting from the Heart and Soul" will start in October. Lisa Baechtle at 589-6077. Ithaca HOURS 50%
New fall VINI YOGA CLASSES starting September 10 at Tiamat Studio, 136 The Commons: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays. Also Anabel Taylor Hall (Weds.) Gisela Konrad 273-5464 [email protected] 10% Health Fund discount.
CHESS TOURNAMENT-- 4 rounds-- Sept 15, at Ithaca College. Cash prizes. $18 entry. Karl Heck [email protected] 844-5464
MUNDO GITANO WORLD IMPORT SHOP 320 E. State now accepts 100% HOURS.
WELLNESS FOR WOMEN: annual physical, PAP test, breast exam, personalized evaluation, family planning/postpartum consultation, referrals. Health Fund discount 25%. Linda Schutt, NYS lic Midwife 277-7717
MYTHACA GAMES, 105 S. Cayuga St.
SHARE FARM GARAGE SALE, BAKED GOODS & PRODUCE to raise funds for purchase of land for the Cayuga Nation. Corner of Great Gully and Truesdale Rds off of Rte 90 between Aurora & Union Springs. 315-889-7371
CLUB ITHACA: Bowling parties at Ide's Lanes for ages 11-15, Wednesdays 7- 10pm. $5.00 or Half HOUR.
ISHAYA YOGA http://www.Ishaya.marketgroup.com 539-7117 Bodhidev
FEAR COUNSELING (spiders, speaking, etc) Michael Marks 272-0582
PINWHEEL DESIGNS hemp clothing "original hats, jewelry, fiber art" Bizzett 269-0780
See also www.ithacahours.org
TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL ORGANIZATION for WOMEN (NOW) meets Thursday, September 6 at 7:30 at the Women's Community Building. Showing the documentary "THE HANDS THAT HELP," about the work of caring and finding dignity in the struggle for sustainable wages. "Paraprofessionals, teaching assistants and aides in the classroom, provide hands-on assistance to students, but starting wages remain at $6.72/hour and many more long-term paraprofessionals' wages hover just above the poverty level. The nature of caring professions, 'women's work' is underpaid and undervalued, justified by a value system rooted in the subordination of women's contributions to the vitality of our economy. This film brings paraprofessionals' important contributions to our school system out from hiding and uncovers the hard choices made in the world of low wage work. Jen Bloom, the producer of the documentary, will be there to facilitate a discussion about the film and working women."
HARVEST DELI, Ithaca's vegan eatery in Center Ithaca, is for sale. Contact P.J. Gueldner 272-4870 [email protected]
The LAUREL & LAUREL SHOW "How Art Changed the World" featuring performance art by Laurel Hecht & Laurel Guy: Friday, September 7 at 7pm, Autumn Leaves Used Books, 2nd floor gallery, 115 The Commons. RSVP 273-2120 Continues to Sept 28.
CARTOONS & CARDBOARD by Paul Glover at ABC Cafe, during September.
SEE-SPOT GALLERY BENEFIT PARTY, Friday, August 31 from 9pm to ? 108 The Commons. $5.00 or Half HOUR. "See Spot is a cooperative creativity collective committed to support emerging artists."
LABOR COALITION HIRING 10-20 hours/week at a pay rate of $12.55/hour. "The jobs would primarily be in the area of occupational safety and health, though the labor coalition is involved in many activities focused on worker and union empowerment. Projects include: internal organizing among CU food service and custodial workers (UAW 2300) to identify and cultivate health and safety leaders particularly involving ergonomics and injury prevention; organizing and teaching one hour OSHA rights programs for youth; providing ergonomics awareness programs; reaching out to organizations who work with vulnerable workers (low income, immigrant, people of color, low literacy) and the workers themselves with the purpose of providing information and training about OSHA rights; outreach to area unions, workers and businesses to create opportunities for us to provide ergonomic services (provided by Greg Shaw, our staff ergonomist); outreach and training to area unions in the development of health and safety committees; organize workplace and domestic violence training programs for local human service agencies and others; possibly develop and teach sexual harassment programs for workers in the building trades. Specific job tasks would be worked out collegially. Other projects, like the living wage campaign, could also be included. The health and safety material is non-technical and easily learned. We are a non-hierarchical, mostly self-managed, congenial, work environment. Women and persons of color strongly encouraged to apply." --Carl Feuer [email protected]
GOSSIPY TALES OF FRIENDSHIP AND FAMILY, readings by Irene Zahava, Creative Writer and Teacher. Sunday September 9th at 2pm, Tompkins County Public Library. Co-sponsored by The Bookery. "Irene Zahava takes us back to her childhood in Brooklyn, a landscape familiar to many of us... set in a time long gone."
ANIMAL TESTING AT CORNELL is challenged by The Cornell Liberator
SMALL TALES SCHOOL: Learning through Creativity with Ithaca storyteller and teacher, Regi Carpenter: "I am opening a preschool with stories and nature at its center. In a beautiful country setting your child will enjoy cooking, nature studies, year round outdoor play, yoga, music and creative play. Full-time and part-time available." Ithaca HOURS accepted. 539-7089
RAP SESSIONS Monday and Thursday nights 7pm at 308 E. Seneca St. hosted by "The Twelve Tribes" 273-6021 [email protected]
PROGRESSIVE FESTIVAL WITH FIVE BANDS & OVER 30 LOCAL GROUPS sponsored by the Tompkins County Green Party, September 7 on the Ithaca Commons from 4-9pm. More about the Tompkins County Green Party
"THE FLICKERING FLAME: The Life and Legacy of Chief Turkey Tayac" FREE MOVIE at the Multicultural Resource Center, 210 West State Steet, August 29, 7 - 9pm. Produced and directed by local filmmaker Jason Corwin, this documentary details the powerful story of one person's determined struggle to keep his peoples' culture and tradition alive into the 20th century. Just south of Washington, DC, the Piscataway Indians have maintained a presence for over a thousand years. Chief Turkey returned to his peoples' homelands after WWI and learned to heal his injuries with traditional herbal remedies. He became a renowned herbal medicine man in the area and fought for the preservation of his culture and the sacred burial grounds of his people. 327-0734 [email protected]
CONCERT TO CLOSE "SCHOOL OF AMERICAS" presents some of Ireland's best musicians-- Karan Casey (formerly of Solas) and Lunasa! Sunday, September 16 at 7pm, Statler Auditorium, Cornell, Tickets $15 in advance $17 at the door. Tickets at Greenstar, Small World Music, Ithaca Guitar Works, and Alternatives Library. 277-6932