This is the FIRST OF TWO MONTHLY MESSAGES sent to 5,565 Ithaca area residents.


GALLERY NIGHT OPEN HOUSE on the Commons, 12/7 Free refreshments and music: Clinton House Artspace, Community School of Music & Arts, See-Spot, State of the Art Gallery, Sola Art Gallery, Titus Gallery, The Upstairs Gallery. Refreshments & Music!

See Spot recently featured full-body painting in its window (108 Commons), and will continue Friday, offering also music by members of Johnny Dowd Band.refreshments & drinks, live drumming, video art.


"NICE" WEATHER WE'RE HAVING: November was 5.9 degrees above normal, and normal is gradually getting warmer. November 30th's high was 20 degrees above average. You can see the details & trends at Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell, thanks to Keith Eggleston.

Weather permitting, there will be ICE SCULPTURE on the Commons 12/8 (3pm).


The best web version of the poem "ITHAKA" by C.P. Cavafy, suitable for printing and forwarding. Thanks to Linda Blossom for sending. First and last lines:

As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.

Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you're destined for.
But don't hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you're old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you've gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.


ITHACA FIRE DEPARTMENT NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: Rich Keller gives ICN the inside story:

"Volunteering with IFD has been one of the best experiences of my life. A fireground or emergency medical incident can be physically, intellectually and emotionally challenging. And yet there are few finer ways to make a clear and critical difference in the lives of others at some of their worst moments.

"One can volunteer with IFD in a variety of capacities: as a 'Class I' volunteer (certified for interior fire suppression); a 'Class II' volunteer (qualified for external fireground activities); a 'Class III' volunteer (primarily support tasks, including administration and recruitment); and as Fire Police. They're all important.

"Prospective members must pass a physical exam and a 'Physical Performance Assessment' Following that, one must pass IFD's training course...

"New members are asked to spend a minimum of 20 hours per month on 'station standby', during which they are assigned to a station and a vehicle, and respond directly to an incident. Given the cost of training a class, the department asks for a minimum of a three year commitment from its volunteers.

"It has become increasingly difficult to get people to volunteer: many find the time commitment to be burdensome; one must keep in good physical shape and must continue to work to master the equipment and skills we use. At one time there was a waiting list to join IFD as a volunteer; now, there are about 30 members officially, and about a dozen who routinely participate and respond. And that leaves us woefully under-staffed at many incidents.

"For those who participate and persevere, I guarantee that you will get out of it more than you put in. You will learn many new skills and much about yourself, and you will meet many outstanding people. And you just may help to save someone's home, or someone's life. Not a bad deal... Anyone interested in volunteer (or career) service with the Ithaca Fire Department can check IFD and Volunteer page And I hope your broadcast will reach some of the folks we're looking for!"


ITHACA POTTERS GUILD HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR: 12/7 & 12/8 at Women's Community Building 10am-6pm. Many accept Ithaca HOURS


The WOMEN'S COMMUNITY BUILDING COMMERCIAL KITCHEN is available for rental to caterers and small scale food processors, and will also be used to support events which take place in the building. The renovated kitchen will feature a new range with ovens and griddle, and a separate convection oven. Bakers will find the baking table, floor model mixer and proofing/holding cabinet useful, while those with bottled products will want to use the table top and floor model steam kettles. Two refrigerators and a separate freezer will also be available, plus some lockable storage. The kitchen will provide a high capacity commercial dishwasher, and dishes and flatware are available for use at events in the building. Potential users of the kitchen should call the WCB main office for information on rental times and rates. Ithaca HOURS accepted.


IS YOUR WEBSITE ALREADY LISTED AT ? This pioneer local web directory is still the best organized source of links.



* December 6, 1928: STATE THEATRE FIRST OPENS, with movie "Show Girl" starring Alice White, organist Harry Springer, doors open 6pm, admission 50 cents. Theatre designed in "Norman Gothic" motif with seating capacity 1,818, is Standing Room Only. Vaudeville acts were presented last half of week.
* December 7, 1854: A MEETING OF THE WEALTHY is called and committees are appointed to go through the village and search out the poor who were made helpless by a heavy snowfall. Wood, food and blankets were distributed.
* December 7, 1941: One Ithacan, Theodore Olney of 419 N. Albany St. is aboard a ship in PEARL HARBOR when it is attacked by the Japanese Air Force. He was unhurt.
* December 8, 1894: BICYCLE DEALERS announce that 20 new models will be put on the market the coming season. Bikes were then Ithaca's primary vehicular transport.
* December 9, 1874: EZRA CORNELL DIES.
* December 10, 1878: STAGECOACH with four passengers starrts down Buffalo Street, pulled by three horses. As it reaches breakneck speed the passengers start to yell. Upon reaching the Ithaca Hotel, they discover the coach had no driver.
* December 11, 1953: An Ithacan is hauled before the Senate Investigations Subcommittee and accused by Senator Joseph McCarthy of being a member of the "Rosenburg Spy Ring." When she invokes the Fifth Amerndment, McCarthy declares that her refusal to answer means she is guilty.
* 12/12/12: Bobby Ryder is 12 years old and rides Trolley No. 12 to school.
* December 12, 1914: Thomas Morse Aircraft Corporation begins manufacture of AIRPLANES on Brindley Street. Ithaca Airport (now Cass Park) soon briefly claimed the world air speed record.
* December 13, 1974: CHRISTMAS CAROLS BANNED from public schools by School Board, despite petition by 338 residents asserting their right to sing "any religious songs" in the schools.


COMMUNITY MAPPING OF THE CAYUGA LAKE WATERSHED for Environmental Education Project 12/13, 12-3pm, Tompkins County Public Library, Borg Warner Room, Ithaca. Light lunch provided.

"The community is invited to come and help record the natural, cultural, economic, and geologic history of the Cayuga Lake Basin Watershed. People who are familiar with the north west and north east of Cayuga Lake are especially needed. This mapping project is part of a larger educational project ("Sustainable Cayuga: Humans in Balance with Nature"). The Center for Environmental Sustainability is seeking matching grants to fund the printing of educational posters that will be made from a watercolor painting of the map. We'll later offer educators an opportunity to come to a deeper understanding of sustainability and why "a sense of place" is critical to sustainability education. Sandy Wold 272-3814


THE COST OF CHRISTMAS is up 1.1 percent in Tompkins County. "See whether the prices of your favorite holiday items are going up or down. Have a happy holiday season." Elia Kacapyr

************************** "is a site where women can find other women who provide a service. Many women are just more comfortable dealing with other women. The women on my site offer a wide range of services such as lawyers, dentists, financial advisors, piano tuner, minister, plumber, house painters, etc... I wanted to provide a site that would allow women to find other women in one simple click. " Ithaca HOURS are accepted. --Joyce Codner


STREET HEAT ACTION COMMITTEE invites rank-and-file union activists and retirees to monthly meetings at Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall, 701 W. State, every second Thursday, 6-7pm. Refreshments. "Street Heat is an effort to mobilize union members and supporters in a rapid response Solidarity Action network against anti-union employers and in support of the cause of working people." To get on the mailing list or learn more: Jen Bloom 277-7053

UNION RELIEF FOR NEW YORK VICTIMS: Donations can be made for affected union members & families.


ANOTHER ITHACA INVENTION: Scott Pardee's "CHEBACHE" is a board game declared "one of the top ten board games" by Games Buyers Guide 2001. Combines CHEss, BAckgammon, CHEckers. Ithaca HOURS accepted.


FREE THEATRE: Moliere's "Tartuffe" is presented by Black Umbrella Troupe, in the new performance space at Autumn Leaves Used Books, 115 The Commons, 12/7 at 7:30pm, 12/8 at 7pm, 12/9 at 2pm. 277-4549

FOND FAREWELL TO FIREHOUSE THEATRE and thanks to Tom Newton and dozens others! Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" (till 12/22) completes the run: Fridays 7:30pm, Saturdays 4pm & 7:30pm, Sundays 4pm. 136 W. State.


BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP FORMING: "reading material will address, themes of racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, mostly through fictional works like "Temple of My Familiar." Danielle 256-7990


SCHUYLER HOURS: "There are a few of us in Watkins Glen discussing the possibilitiy of starting a local currency. With Schuyler's very seasonal economy, much help is needed to empower us to recognize and use our talents, skills, goods and services in trade for others. I am interested in connecting with people currently in the Ithaca HOURS network who might be interested in bridging with Schuyler County." --JoAnn Kingsley-Wells at Salt of the Earth, Watkins Glen 535-2004


YOU HAVE HUNDREDS OF VOTES, when you contact your Congressperson by telephone. They do tabulate and relay opinions received. Schumer (315) 423-5471 & Clinton (315) 448-0470 THOSE CONCERNED ABOUT CIVIL LIBERTIES are urged to register their concerns about military tribunals during Congressional hearings.

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither." --Benjamin Franklin

"The citizen who sees his society's democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry it out, is not a patriot, but a traitor." --Mark Twain


THE PEOPLE'S LIBRARY: "Books, tapes and videos with a point of view-- Truth, Peace and Justice. This free lending library is open EVERY Sunday beginning this week 12/9, 10am-1pm." Find in the back of the blue Volvo, parked across from Short Stop Deli on Seneca St. Books & videos by Zinn, Chomsky, Ehrenrich, Parenti, Hightower, etc.



"Just to let you know I read your newsletter, and that it makes me feel right at HOME. I, being a townie, especially like the Historical dates and their events! How far we have come, especially for women!!! who had to go to a reformatory, and the men only got fined... neither should have happened! So glad I live now:) Thanks for helping us appreciate our roots and our blessings, as well as what needs to be changed." --dianea kohl

"I've read your article Ithaca Power and am very interested in installing a wind turbine on our farm. Can you tell me who has installed and used wind turbines in the local area? I'd like to get more information on what does and doesn't work here. Thanks," Steve Smith
---[REPLY] Steve, I'm not familiar with local windspinners currently (Ithaca Power was 1988), but Frog Hill Center for Natural Living, in Brooktondale, has installed a Savonius Rotor. Michael Doliner has expressed interest starting a business to capture this county's great hilltop winds. Here are regional wind resources:

"I always enjoy reading your newsletter, and have found several useful items (coupons, sales, etc) over the past year. However, with reference to your 'police per capita' statistics, more police do not imply more danger. A better metric of danger would be the actual crime stats (i.e., buglaries per capita). We'd need a closer look at the categories of crime per capita city by city, and comparison of police coverage. If most other cities handle more severe crime with less coverage, then our department needs to become more efFicient. But I have no idea whether we would find this to be the case." --Jordan Erenrich
---[REPLY] I agree. My statement that "Ithaca is apparently very dangerous" (because of our high police ratio) was ironic. I assume that Ithaca is not so dangerous that higher than average police coverage is needed. My note was intended to stimulate exploration of exactly these stats.

"I manage, and unfortunately am no longer able to give the site the attention it deserves. I have moved to Spokane, WA which is the main reason, as well as recently launching Could you please pass the word that I am looking to give a 'good home'? Thanks." --Tim Cannan

"Can you let people know about a show I am doing? Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas! Bring your whole family and join Regi Carpenter and the famous "Men with Jugs" Dave Davies, Peter Dodge, Rick Manning and Jim Sherpa at the Rongo 12/16 at 3 pm for their annual Christmas story and music show. Great stories! Fabulous music! Great family fun! Kids $3, Big Kids $5, Families $10 maximum." Ithaca HOURS welcome. Regi Carpenter

"Thank you so much for all of the work that you do to help make Ithaca a more real community. I have lived here all my life and I still love it here. As one writer said, it's not the weather its the people. I am really enjoying reading the ICN, it is refreshing and informative. I would like to have it sent to a friend who now lives in Atlanta. How do I go about this? Thanks again - be well" --Annie Halton
---[REPLY] Annie, anyone may subscribe by writing [email protected]

"After growing up in Ithaca, moving to NYC for 6 years, we're ready to come back. Can this be put in the community news? Professional Couple seeking 2 bedroom apartment/house beginning Summer 2002. Belle Sherman/downtown preferred." Contact Jennifer

THE BRABALL PROJECT: "I think the following would be of interest to many on your list, as it touches simultaneously on several issues dear to the hearts of many Ithacans:Øù making art, having fun, women's health and body issues, fighting breast cancer. Wouldn't it be cool if Ithaca deluged this artist with contributions to her giant BraBall, and earned ourselves yet another interesting footnote in the annals of history? Best wishes (and thanks for the newsletter, keep up the good work), Robin Cisne

"That was the most fun, helpful, and informative email news I have ever received. I do not agree with your almost knee jerk ultra liberal politics sometimes, however I unequivocally rank you as my most important contemporary ithacan." --William Meyer

"I was in Philadelphia last weekend for the Philly Marathon, staying at an International Youth Hostel. A manager there, Andrew, knew this much about Ithaca: it has its own money. He was delighted to hear that it is denominated in time. I told him that I'ld send him some of the stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have any. How can I get some to mail to him?" --Jeffrey Juran
---[REPLY] Glad to hear they know us in Philly. I once spent HOURS at a bookstore there. The owners expected to visit Ithaca and spend them. You can get an Eighth HOUR for $1.25 or a Quarter HOUR for $2.50 from GreenStar. Or get new notes from the HOUR Bank at Autumn Leaves Books, 115 The Commons.

"Ithaca Community News is a great service. Brookton Hollow Farm Bed & Breakfast uses local organically grown produce and want to feature local craftspeople and products as much as possible. We also are willing to accept Ithaca Hours. Please do add us to the list." --Erick Smith



The State Theatre's doors and heart opened to its community again, Wednesday, with a beautiful performance to a full house. How many counties this small can rally talent so grand as waits in State's wings? There are eight more performances scheduled this month. Thanks to Historic Ithaca's leadership.

Public spaces like the State are increasingly rare-- buildings conveying community memory, where we can celebrate, relax, learn and mourne together. They've been replaced by parking garages and strip malls.

The State is as well our latest monument to genuine economic development-- a local institution that's locally-owned, locally-controlled, providing creative work and keeping profits local. It joins the Farmer's Market, GreenStar, Alternatives Credit Union, Community School of Music & Arts, and hundreds of local businesses to form a symphony, a play, a dance, a gallery of local identity.

And local distinction can make the world seem less anonymous, less random, more controllable, more dignified, healthier and more fun, to give our children hope.

Please shop locally.




COMMUNITY WELLNET is "dedicated to building community among healing arts professionals, businesses and the public they serve. To foster this vision, Community Wellnet is building strategic linkages with institutions within the Ithaca community that not only share this common goal but who also have the potential to combine resources to carry this vision into reality.

"CommunityWellnet is helping to foster the 'green community' movement by creating a program that will promote Ithaca regionally as a center for the healing arts. With this union, we are developing opportunities for local practitioners to provide healing services to those revisiting our city and also to generate new traffic by working in collaboration with other practitioners to create valuable Øùtheme oriented packagesØù. These packages, we believe, will provide enhanced incentive to those living outside our community to visit us more often."




$1.00 off LARGE SANDWICH at HARVEST DELI w/this coupon


"CSEA is organizing 160 workers at Northwoods Nursing Home in Cortland, with a vote scheduled for the end of December. It's looking very, very close and we need all the help we can get. Organizer Mandy Ellis is encouraging as many of you as possible to join the workers at a Rally on 12/14 at 2 pm. This is planned as a fun event, dress in red, wear a Santa hat or other holiday theme. If you want to do a skit that would be great. The rally will take place at the nursing home, 28 Kellogg Rd, in Cortland (follow Rt. 13 into Cortland; in Cortland it becomes Tompkins Street. Follow Tompkins until it becomes Port Watson Street, and then count 3 lights. The third light is Kellogg Rd. Turn right onto Kellogg.) In Solidarity, Carl Feuer


The HOUR TOWN ANNUAL DIRECTORY 2002 is being prepared by Laurie Konwinski, who requests that people submit new and changed listings: 272-4330 or "If you haven't renewed your membership within the last year, please do so. The cost is $5.00 (Half HOUR) for the first one or two listings, and $2.50 (Quarter HOUR) for every listing after that. Your renewal helps cover the cost of printing the Directory, and you'll receive 2 HOURS ($20) from Ithaca HOURS. Please mail to: Ithaca HOURS, Box 6731, Ithaca, NY 14851

* Sprit & Kitsch Gifts (Commons): max 1/4 HRper purchase 272-0294 [email protected]
* New Age Hemp Store (Commons): now accepting 2 HRS per purchase. Six local artists showcased.
* Zion Way Herbals (VanEtten): organic, wildcrafted 589-7389
* RENT: 3 bedrm house, renovated, dbl lot, huge yd for garden, deck, flex lease, energy eff, new wash/dry/dish, $1,075/mo. David Elliott 256-0809 10% HOURS


ITHACA CHILDREN'S GARDEN CONCEPTUAL DESIGN "will be on display at Purity Ice Cream (Meadow &Cascadilla) through the end of December. The display highlights the Ithaca Children's Garden programs and the garden design for the proposed site at Cass Park. The Ithaca Children's Garden is an innovative organization that provides exciting, interactive, garden-based programs. With the help of the community, we're dedicated to establishing a public children's garden in Ithaca that will provide the home for its multidisciplinary programs." Meg Wahlig Cole, 272-2292


LOAF OF BREAD no charge, with this coupon and $10 or greater purchase at Ithaca Bakery:


"The STOP STAPLES demonstration was AWESOME!! We had about 30 people there and we were covered by News Center 7 and Channel 16. We had a substantial article in the Cornell Sun, as well as in the IC Newspaper. The Journal was there, but did not cover us, oh well.

"We stood outside staples doing awesome radical cheers with a huge sheet-sized banner that said Stop Staples. Everyone had signs and we passed out info. to customers, and tied green ribbons with recycle messages on them to shopping carts, and posts in the parking lot. The manager refused to speak with us. In our news coverage, channel 16 had a national staples rep. on the phone who said they would be implementing at least one of the demands of the campaign (to sell tree-free paper) by the end of this month!

"This was just one of 206 demonstrations across the country and the national coordinators tell me that it's looking good... Staples should (if all goes well) accept the demands by the end of December." Aubryn Sidle 277-2679


PUBLIC DHARMA TALK on Friday, 12/7 at the Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies, to be given by senior resident monk Ven.Tenzin Deshek. The talk will begin at 7pm, 412 N. Aurora St. All are invited. Also, there is still space available for the weekend intensive teaching "Death and the Intermediate State" 12/7,8,9.

Please join us 12/8 at 6pm for the regularly scheduled earthquake prayers with the local Tibetan community to avert the very real possibility of earthquakes in India as predicted by Western Scientists.

At 8pm that evening: "Tibet and the Himalayan Borderlands," slide show "takes viewers through a number of Tibetan cultural areas, both within Tibet and in Nepal and Ladakh, India. The slide show will focus on the impressive landscapes, people and cultures and will also help depict the social, economic and political transitions facing communities in these regions." 273-0739


"HEY LABOR ACTIVISTS, Have I got a project for you! I'm looking for help to gather information about low wage jobs in Tompkins County. This could be a work-study job during the Spring semester and/or just some interesting and valuable volunteer hours beginning in January (or sooner if you have the time!). Please also share this e-mail with other lists of student progressives.

"Basically this is a Participatory Research project to investigate working conditions at non-union, low wage employers in town. The idea is that you would apply for and get jobs at places like K-Mart, Old Navy, Ramada, Wegmans, TCTC, Applebys, etc, for a few days to get information on wages, benefits, working conditions, how the workers are treated and how they feel about it. Besides contributing to the cause, you can even earn the Big Bucks that these guys would pay you for the day or more you would work. If you've read Barbara Ehrenreich's great book, "Nickle and Dimed: On Not Getting By in America", you know what this is generally about. Specifically, in our case, the Living Wage Coalition isseeking to decide on one large service sector, low wage, non-union employer (or possibly industry) to target for a community campaign to pay a living wage, and we need this information to help us make the decision. Of course, it would be great also to identify specific organizing leads and any information we get would be shared with unions involved in organizing each of the sectors we would be researching. Carl Feuer, Health/Safety Trainer, The Labor Coalition (Midstate Central 277-5670


LOCAL CURRENCY IN ARGENTINA grows as their economy fails. 500,000 citizens trade local scrips. The city of Calchiqui, Santa Fe, accepts barter currency for tax payments.



REWARD for reading this far: Half Price Meal at ABC Cafe with purchase of an international meal with this coupon. ABC will close for vacation December 23- January 4.


WOMEN ARTISTS CALENDAR 2002 presents the work of Ithaca artist LAUREL HECHT for October. "The calendar features other well-known women artists, with each artist's artwork highlighted for a full month. During October you will be making dates and plans while viewing Hecht's image 'Divinely PearØù' an oversized Rubenesque pear suspended in a back ground of pink and red overlays. This image is a perfect way of honoring woman. I am thrilled they picked this piece; it is so sensuous and very womanly." Available now at Spirit & Kitsch (accepts 1/4 HOUR) on The Commons and many book stores. They retail for $12.99


By purchasing any of JODY KESSLER'S three CDs, Another Day of Loving, Leap of Faith, and No Solid Ground, "you will be helping to support the Revolutionary Association of Women in Afganistan as well as giving someone you love the gift of original, uplifting music that touches the heart. Why not avoid the hustle and bustle of the shopping mall, and order online? Give Aunt Millie a CD instead of those sweatshop-made slippers from Mall-Wart." Please order by Dec 17th to ensure delivery by Christmas. --Jody Kessler


Educate the Children HOLIDAY GIFT LIST 272-1176


AT THE LIBRARY: "A Weekend of Holiday Treats" 12/13- 12/16

12/13 at 7PM: Vivan Vande Velde, a prolific, award-winning writer of young adult fantasy novels, who will read from her novels and talk about writing them. Teens and pre-teens

12/15 at 11am & 2pm: Ted Arnold, author and illustrator of over 25 children's picture books. He'll read from his books and entrance the younger set with his creative stories and pictures.Younger readers and preschoolers.

12/16 at 3pm: Joe Salzano & Friends: voice, piano and Indian Flute - A Seasonal Gift to the Community. Ideal for the whole family."


GOT NEWS? Please send to [email protected]




This is the FIRST OF TWO MONTHLY MESSAGES sent to 5,565 Ithaca area residents.


GALLERY NIGHT OPEN HOUSE on the Commons, 12/7 Free refreshments and music: Clinton House Artspace, Community School of Music & Arts, See-Spot, State of the Art Gallery, Sola Art Gallery, Titus Gallery, The Upstairs Gallery. Refreshments & Music!

See Spot recently featured full-body painting in its window (108 Commons), and will continue Friday, offering also music by members of Johnny Dowd Band.refreshments & drinks, live drumming, video art.


"NICE" WEATHER WE'RE HAVING: November was 5.9 degrees above normal, and normal is gradually getting warmer. November 30th's high was 20 degrees above average. You can see the details & trends at Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell, thanks to Keith Eggleston.

Weather permitting, there will be ICE SCULPTURE on the Commons 12/8 (3pm).


The best web version of the poem "ITHAKA" by C.P. Cavafy, suitable for printing and forwarding. Thanks to Linda Blossom for sending. First and last lines:

As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.

Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you're destined for.
But don't hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you're old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you've gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.


ITHACA FIRE DEPARTMENT NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: Rich Keller gives ICN the inside story:

"Volunteering with IFD has been one of the best experiences of my life. A fireground or emergency medical incident can be physically, intellectually and emotionally challenging. And yet there are few finer ways to make a clear and critical difference in the lives of others at some of their worst moments.

"One can volunteer with IFD in a variety of capacities: as a 'Class I' volunteer (certified for interior fire suppression); a 'Class II' volunteer (qualified for external fireground activities); a 'Class III' volunteer (primarily support tasks, including administration and recruitment); and as Fire Police. They're all important.

"Prospective members must pass a physical exam and a 'Physical Performance Assessment' Following that, one must pass IFD's training course...

"New members are asked to spend a minimum of 20 hours per month on 'station standby', during which they are assigned to a station and a vehicle, and respond directly to an incident. Given the cost of training a class, the department asks for a minimum of a three year commitment from its volunteers.

"It has become increasingly difficult to get people to volunteer: many find the time commitment to be burdensome; one must keep in good physical shape and must continue to work to master the equipment and skills we use. At one time there was a waiting list to join IFD as a volunteer; now, there are about 30 members officially, and about a dozen who routinely participate and respond. And that leaves us woefully under-staffed at many incidents.

"For those who participate and persevere, I guarantee that you will get out of it more than you put in. You will learn many new skills and much about yourself, and you will meet many outstanding people. And you just may help to save someone's home, or someone's life. Not a bad deal... Anyone interested in volunteer (or career) service with the Ithaca Fire Department can check IFD and Volunteer page And I hope your broadcast will reach some of the folks we're looking for!"


ITHACA POTTERS GUILD HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR: 12/7 & 12/8 at Women's Community Building 10am-6pm. Many accept Ithaca HOURS


The WOMEN'S COMMUNITY BUILDING COMMERCIAL KITCHEN is available for rental to caterers and small scale food processors, and will also be used to support events which take place in the building. The renovated kitchen will feature a new range with ovens and griddle, and a separate convection oven. Bakers will find the baking table, floor model mixer and proofing/holding cabinet useful, while those with bottled products will want to use the table top and floor model steam kettles. Two refrigerators and a separate freezer will also be available, plus some lockable storage. The kitchen will provide a high capacity commercial dishwasher, and dishes and flatware are available for use at events in the building. Potential users of the kitchen should call the WCB main office for information on rental times and rates. Ithaca HOURS accepted.


IS YOUR WEBSITE ALREADY LISTED AT ? This pioneer local web directory is still the best organized source of links.



* December 6, 1928: STATE THEATRE FIRST OPENS, with movie "Show Girl" starring Alice White, organist Harry Springer, doors open 6pm, admission 50 cents. Theatre designed in "Norman Gothic" motif with seating capacity 1,818, is Standing Room Only. Vaudeville acts were presented last half of week.
* December 7, 1854: A MEETING OF THE WEALTHY is called and committees are appointed to go through the village and search out the poor who were made helpless by a heavy snowfall. Wood, food and blankets were distributed.
* December 7, 1941: One Ithacan, Theodore Olney of 419 N. Albany St. is aboard a ship in PEARL HARBOR when it is attacked by the Japanese Air Force. He was unhurt.
* December 8, 1894: BICYCLE DEALERS announce that 20 new models will be put on the market the coming season. Bikes were then Ithaca's primary vehicular transport.
* December 9, 1874: EZRA CORNELL DIES.
* December 10, 1878: STAGECOACH with four passengers starrts down Buffalo Street, pulled by three horses. As it reaches breakneck speed the passengers start to yell. Upon reaching the Ithaca Hotel, they discover the coach had no driver.
* December 11, 1953: An Ithacan is hauled before the Senate Investigations Subcommittee and accused by Senator Joseph McCarthy of being a member of the "Rosenburg Spy Ring." When she invokes the Fifth Amerndment, McCarthy declares that her refusal to answer means she is guilty.
* 12/12/12: Bobby Ryder is 12 years old and rides Trolley No. 12 to school.
* December 12, 1914: Thomas Morse Aircraft Corporation begins manufacture of AIRPLANES on Brindley Street. Ithaca Airport (now Cass Park) soon briefly claimed the world air speed record.
* December 13, 1974: CHRISTMAS CAROLS BANNED from public schools by School Board, despite petition by 338 residents asserting their right to sing "any religious songs" in the schools.


COMMUNITY MAPPING OF THE CAYUGA LAKE WATERSHED for Environmental Education Project 12/13, 12-3pm, Tompkins County Public Library, Borg Warner Room, Ithaca. Light lunch provided.

"The community is invited to come and help record the natural, cultural, economic, and geologic history of the Cayuga Lake Basin Watershed. People who are familiar with the north west and north east of Cayuga Lake are especially needed. This mapping project is part of a larger educational project ("Sustainable Cayuga: Humans in Balance with Nature"). The Center for Environmental Sustainability is seeking matching grants to fund the printing of educational posters that will be made from a watercolor painting of the map. We'll later offer educators an opportunity to come to a deeper understanding of sustainability and why "a sense of place" is critical to sustainability education. Sandy Wold 272-3814


THE COST OF CHRISTMAS is up 1.1 percent in Tompkins County. "See whether the prices of your favorite holiday items are going up or down. Have a happy holiday season." Elia Kacapyr

************************** "is a site where women can find other women who provide a service. Many women are just more comfortable dealing with other women. The women on my site offer a wide range of services such as lawyers, dentists, financial advisors, piano tuner, minister, plumber, house painters, etc... I wanted to provide a site that would allow women to find other women in one simple click. " Ithaca HOURS are accepted. --Joyce Codner


STREET HEAT ACTION COMMITTEE invites rank-and-file union activists and retirees to monthly meetings at Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall, 701 W. State, every second Thursday, 6-7pm. Refreshments. "Street Heat is an effort to mobilize union members and supporters in a rapid response Solidarity Action network against anti-union employers and in support of the cause of working people." To get on the mailing list or learn more: Jen Bloom 277-7053

UNION RELIEF FOR NEW YORK VICTIMS: Donations can be made for affected union members & families.


ANOTHER ITHACA INVENTION: Scott Pardee's "CHEBACHE" is a board game declared "one of the top ten board games" by Games Buyers Guide 2001. Combines CHEss, BAckgammon, CHEckers. Ithaca HOURS accepted.


FREE THEATRE: Moliere's "Tartuffe" is presented by Black Umbrella Troupe, in the new performance space at Autumn Leaves Used Books, 115 The Commons, 12/7 at 7:30pm, 12/8 at 7pm, 12/9 at 2pm. 277-4549

FOND FAREWELL TO FIREHOUSE THEATRE and thanks to Tom Newton and dozens others! Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" (till 12/22) completes the run: Fridays 7:30pm, Saturdays 4pm & 7:30pm, Sundays 4pm. 136 W. State.


BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP FORMING: "reading material will address, themes of racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, mostly through fictional works like "Temple of My Familiar." Danielle 256-7990


SCHUYLER HOURS: "There are a few of us in Watkins Glen discussing the possibilitiy of starting a local currency. With Schuyler's very seasonal economy, much help is needed to empower us to recognize and use our talents, skills, goods and services in trade for others. I am interested in connecting with people currently in the Ithaca HOURS network who might be interested in bridging with Schuyler County." --JoAnn Kingsley-Wells at Salt of the Earth, Watkins Glen 535-2004


YOU HAVE HUNDREDS OF VOTES, when you contact your Congressperson by telephone. They do tabulate and relay opinions received. Schumer (315) 423-5471 & Clinton (315) 448-0470 THOSE CONCERNED ABOUT CIVIL LIBERTIES are urged to register their concerns about military tribunals during Congressional hearings.

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither." --Benjamin Franklin

"The citizen who sees his society's democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry it out, is not a patriot, but a traitor." --Mark Twain


THE PEOPLE'S LIBRARY: "Books, tapes and videos with a point of view-- Truth, Peace and Justice. This free lending library is open EVERY Sunday beginning this week 12/9, 10am-1pm." Find in the back of the blue Volvo, parked across from Short Stop Deli on Seneca St. Books & videos by Zinn, Chomsky, Ehrenrich, Parenti, Hightower, etc.



"Just to let you know I read your newsletter, and that it makes me feel right at HOME. I, being a townie, especially like the Historical dates and their events! How far we have come, especially for women!!! who had to go to a reformatory, and the men only got fined... neither should have happened! So glad I live now:) Thanks for helping us appreciate our roots and our blessings, as well as what needs to be changed." --dianea kohl

"I've read your article Ithaca Power and am very interested in installing a wind turbine on our farm. Can you tell me who has installed and used wind turbines in the local area? I'd like to get more information on what does and doesn't work here. Thanks," Steve Smith
---[REPLY] Steve, I'm not familiar with local windspinners currently (Ithaca Power was 1988), but Frog Hill Center for Natural Living, in Brooktondale, has installed a Savonius Rotor. Michael Doliner has expressed interest starting a business to capture this county's great hilltop winds. Here are regional wind resources:

"I always enjoy reading your newsletter, and have found several useful items (coupons, sales, etc) over the past year. However, with reference to your 'police per capita' statistics, more police do not imply more danger. A better metric of danger would be the actual crime stats (i.e., buglaries per capita). We'd need a closer look at the categories of crime per capita city by city, and comparison of police coverage. If most other cities handle more severe crime with less coverage, then our department needs to become more efFicient. But I have no idea whether we would find this to be the case." --Jordan Erenrich
---[REPLY] I agree. My statement that "Ithaca is apparently very dangerous" (because of our high police ratio) was ironic. I assume that Ithaca is not so dangerous that higher than average police coverage is needed. My note was intended to stimulate exploration of exactly these stats.

"I manage, and unfortunately am no longer able to give the site the attention it deserves. I have moved to Spokane, WA which is the main reason, as well as recently launching Could you please pass the word that I am looking to give a 'good home'? Thanks." --Tim Cannan

"Can you let people know about a show I am doing? Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas! Bring your whole family and join Regi Carpenter and the famous "Men with Jugs" Dave Davies, Peter Dodge, Rick Manning and Jim Sherpa at the Rongo 12/16 at 3 pm for their annual Christmas story and music show. Great stories! Fabulous music! Great family fun! Kids $3, Big Kids $5, Families $10 maximum." Ithaca HOURS welcome. Regi Carpenter

"Thank you so much for all of the work that you do to help make Ithaca a more real community. I have lived here all my life and I still love it here. As one writer said, it's not the weather its the people. I am really enjoying reading the ICN, it is refreshing and informative. I would like to have it sent to a friend who now lives in Atlanta. How do I go about this? Thanks again - be well" --Annie Halton
---[REPLY] Annie, anyone may subscribe by writing [email protected]

"After growing up in Ithaca, moving to NYC for 6 years, we're ready to come back. Can this be put in the community news? Professional Couple seeking 2 bedroom apartment/house beginning Summer 2002. Belle Sherman/downtown preferred." Contact Jennifer

THE BRABALL PROJECT: "I think the following would be of interest to many on your list, as it touches simultaneously on several issues dear to the hearts of many Ithacans:Øù making art, having fun, women's health and body issues, fighting breast cancer. Wouldn't it be cool if Ithaca deluged this artist with contributions to her giant BraBall, and earned ourselves yet another interesting footnote in the annals of history? Best wishes (and thanks for the newsletter, keep up the good work), Robin Cisne

"That was the most fun, helpful, and informative email news I have ever received. I do not agree with your almost knee jerk ultra liberal politics sometimes, however I unequivocally rank you as my most important contemporary ithacan." --William Meyer

"I was in Philadelphia last weekend for the Philly Marathon, staying at an International Youth Hostel. A manager there, Andrew, knew this much about Ithaca: it has its own money. He was delighted to hear that it is denominated in time. I told him that I'ld send him some of the stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have any. How can I get some to mail to him?" --Jeffrey Juran
---[REPLY] Glad to hear they know us in Philly. I once spent HOURS at a bookstore there. The owners expected to visit Ithaca and spend them. You can get an Eighth HOUR for $1.25 or a Quarter HOUR for $2.50 from GreenStar. Or get new notes from the HOUR Bank at Autumn Leaves Books, 115 The Commons.

"Ithaca Community News is a great service. Brookton Hollow Farm Bed & Breakfast uses local organically grown produce and want to feature local craftspeople and products as much as possible. We also are willing to accept Ithaca Hours. Please do add us to the list." --Erick Smith



The State Theatre's doors and heart opened to its community again, Wednesday, with a beautiful performance to a full house. How many counties this small can rally talent so grand as waits in State's wings? There are eight more performances scheduled this month. Thanks to Historic Ithaca's leadership.

Public spaces like the State are increasingly rare-- buildings conveying community memory, where we can celebrate, relax, learn and mourne together. They've been replaced by parking garages and strip malls.

The State is as well our latest monument to genuine economic development-- a local institution that's locally-owned, locally-controlled, providing creative work and keeping profits local. It joins the Farmer's Market, GreenStar, Alternatives Credit Union, Community School of Music & Arts, and hundreds of local businesses to form a symphony, a play, a dance, a gallery of local identity.

And local distinction can make the world seem less anonymous, less random, more controllable, more dignified, healthier and more fun, to give our children hope.

Please shop locally.




COMMUNITY WELLNET is "dedicated to building community among healing arts professionals, businesses and the public they serve. To foster this vision, Community Wellnet is building strategic linkages with institutions within the Ithaca community that not only share this common goal but who also have the potential to combine resources to carry this vision into reality.

"CommunityWellnet is helping to foster the 'green community' movement by creating a program that will promote Ithaca regionally as a center for the healing arts. With this union, we are developing opportunities for local practitioners to provide healing services to those revisiting our city and also to generate new traffic by working in collaboration with other practitioners to create valuable Øùtheme oriented packagesØù. These packages, we believe, will provide enhanced incentive to those living outside our community to visit us more often."




$1.00 off LARGE SANDWICH at HARVEST DELI w/this coupon


"CSEA is organizing 160 workers at Northwoods Nursing Home in Cortland, with a vote scheduled for the end of December. It's looking very, very close and we need all the help we can get. Organizer Mandy Ellis is encouraging as many of you as possible to join the workers at a Rally on 12/14 at 2 pm. This is planned as a fun event, dress in red, wear a Santa hat or other holiday theme. If you want to do a skit that would be great. The rally will take place at the nursing home, 28 Kellogg Rd, in Cortland (follow Rt. 13 into Cortland; in Cortland it becomes Tompkins Street. Follow Tompkins until it becomes Port Watson Street, and then count 3 lights. The third light is Kellogg Rd. Turn right onto Kellogg.) In Solidarity, Carl Feuer


The HOUR TOWN ANNUAL DIRECTORY 2002 is being prepared by Laurie Konwinski, who requests that people submit new and changed listings: 272-4330 or "If you haven't renewed your membership within the last year, please do so. The cost is $5.00 (Half HOUR) for the first one or two listings, and $2.50 (Quarter HOUR) for every listing after that. Your renewal helps cover the cost of printing the Directory, and you'll receive 2 HOURS ($20) from Ithaca HOURS. Please mail to: Ithaca HOURS, Box 6731, Ithaca, NY 14851

* Sprit & Kitsch Gifts (Commons): max 1/4 HRper purchase 272-0294 [email protected]
* New Age Hemp Store (Commons): now accepting 2 HRS per purchase. Six local artists showcased.
* Zion Way Herbals (VanEtten): organic, wildcrafted 589-7389
* RENT: 3 bedrm house, renovated, dbl lot, huge yd for garden, deck, flex lease, energy eff, new wash/dry/dish, $1,075/mo. David Elliott 256-0809 10% HOURS


ITHACA CHILDREN'S GARDEN CONCEPTUAL DESIGN "will be on display at Purity Ice Cream (Meadow &Cascadilla) through the end of December. The display highlights the Ithaca Children's Garden programs and the garden design for the proposed site at Cass Park. The Ithaca Children's Garden is an innovative organization that provides exciting, interactive, garden-based programs. With the help of the community, we're dedicated to establishing a public children's garden in Ithaca that will provide the home for its multidisciplinary programs." Meg Wahlig Cole, 272-2292


LOAF OF BREAD no charge, with this coupon and $10 or greater purchase at Ithaca Bakery:


"The STOP STAPLES demonstration was AWESOME!! We had about 30 people there and we were covered by News Center 7 and Channel 16. We had a substantial article in the Cornell Sun, as well as in the IC Newspaper. The Journal was there, but did not cover us, oh well.

"We stood outside staples doing awesome radical cheers with a huge sheet-sized banner that said Stop Staples. Everyone had signs and we passed out info. to customers, and tied green ribbons with recycle messages on them to shopping carts, and posts in the parking lot. The manager refused to speak with us. In our news coverage, channel 16 had a national staples rep. on the phone who said they would be implementing at least one of the demands of the campaign (to sell tree-free paper) by the end of this month!

"This was just one of 206 demonstrations across the country and the national coordinators tell me that it's looking good... Staples should (if all goes well) accept the demands by the end of December." Aubryn Sidle 277-2679


PUBLIC DHARMA TALK on Friday, 12/7 at the Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies, to be given by senior resident monk Ven.Tenzin Deshek. The talk will begin at 7pm, 412 N. Aurora St. All are invited. Also, there is still space available for the weekend intensive teaching "Death and the Intermediate State" 12/7,8,9.

Please join us 12/8 at 6pm for the regularly scheduled earthquake prayers with the local Tibetan community to avert the very real possibility of earthquakes in India as predicted by Western Scientists.

At 8pm that evening: "Tibet and the Himalayan Borderlands," slide show "takes viewers through a number of Tibetan cultural areas, both within Tibet and in Nepal and Ladakh, India. The slide show will focus on the impressive landscapes, people and cultures and will also help depict the social, economic and political transitions facing communities in these regions." 273-0739


"HEY LABOR ACTIVISTS, Have I got a project for you! I'm looking for help to gather information about low wage jobs in Tompkins County. This could be a work-study job during the Spring semester and/or just some interesting and valuable volunteer hours beginning in January (or sooner if you have the time!). Please also share this e-mail with other lists of student progressives.

"Basically this is a Participatory Research project to investigate working conditions at non-union, low wage employers in town. The idea is that you would apply for and get jobs at places like K-Mart, Old Navy, Ramada, Wegmans, TCTC, Applebys, etc, for a few days to get information on wages, benefits, working conditions, how the workers are treated and how they feel about it. Besides contributing to the cause, you can even earn the Big Bucks that these guys would pay you for the day or more you would work. If you've read Barbara Ehrenreich's great book, "Nickle and Dimed: On Not Getting By in America", you know what this is generally about. Specifically, in our case, the Living Wage Coalition isseeking to decide on one large service sector, low wage, non-union employer (or possibly industry) to target for a community campaign to pay a living wage, and we need this information to help us make the decision. Of course, it would be great also to identify specific organizing leads and any information we get would be shared with unions involved in organizing each of the sectors we would be researching. Carl Feuer, Health/Safety Trainer, The Labor Coalition (Midstate Central 277-5670


LOCAL CURRENCY IN ARGENTINA grows as their economy fails. 500,000 citizens trade local scrips. The city of Calchiqui, Santa Fe, accepts barter currency for tax payments.



REWARD for reading this far: Half Price Meal at ABC Cafe with purchase of an international meal with this coupon. ABC will close for vacation December 23- January 4.


WOMEN ARTISTS CALENDAR 2002 presents the work of Ithaca artist LAUREL HECHT for October. "The calendar features other well-known women artists, with each artist's artwork highlighted for a full month. During October you will be making dates and plans while viewing Hecht's image 'Divinely PearØù' an oversized Rubenesque pear suspended in a back ground of pink and red overlays. This image is a perfect way of honoring woman. I am thrilled they picked this piece; it is so sensuous and very womanly." Available now at Spirit & Kitsch (accepts 1/4 HOUR) on The Commons and many book stores. They retail for $12.99


By purchasing any of JODY KESSLER'S three CDs, Another Day of Loving, Leap of Faith, and No Solid Ground, "you will be helping to support the Revolutionary Association of Women in Afganistan as well as giving someone you love the gift of original, uplifting music that touches the heart. Why not avoid the hustle and bustle of the shopping mall, and order online? Give Aunt Millie a CD instead of those sweatshop-made slippers from Mall-Wart." Please order by Dec 17th to ensure delivery by Christmas. --Jody Kessler


Educate the Children HOLIDAY GIFT LIST 272-1176


AT THE LIBRARY: "A Weekend of Holiday Treats" 12/13- 12/16

12/13 at 7PM: Vivan Vande Velde, a prolific, award-winning writer of young adult fantasy novels, who will read from her novels and talk about writing them. Teens and pre-teens

12/15 at 11am & 2pm: Ted Arnold, author and illustrator of over 25 children's picture books. He'll read from his books and entrance the younger set with his creative stories and pictures.Younger readers and preschoolers.

12/16 at 3pm: Joe Salzano & Friends: voice, piano and Indian Flute - A Seasonal Gift to the Community. Ideal for the whole family."


GOT NEWS? Please send to [email protected]