July #1 2002


[This is the first of two messages monthly sent to 6,494 Ithaca area residents]

ELEVEN READERS OF THIS ISSUE HAVE WON GIFT CERTIFICATES with Viva Taqueria ($5), Cinemapolis/Fall Creek Pictures (2 tickets), Gimme! Coffee ($20.00), Conkie's Restaurant ($10), Maxie's Supper Club ($10), The Bookery ($5.00), Harvest Deli ($6), ABC Cafe ($10), Cafe Strand ($7.50), Mundo Gitano ($10), Sparrow's Wines ($10), White Lotus Futons ($10). WINNING EMAILS (randomly selected by computer) ARE NOTED BELOW.


LIBRARY SPANS THE UNKNOWN: First on the public library's shelf (Dewey Decimal 001.9) is "Into the Unknown: The Mysterious World of UFO's & Aliens..." LAST on the library shelf (999) is "Sharing the Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life."


ITHACA PETROGLYPHS ---We have no subway walls upon which prophets may write. We see wisdom & nonsense underfoot instead, written in congealing rock sludge. Here are sidewalk samples:
* "Deeds can't dream what dreams can do." First to cite this quote wins a $20 gift certificate from Gimme! Coffee.
* "K + L" is typical graffito, to cement love which may last longer in this form. "M + T" (within a heart) refers to love not money, since it preceded M &T;'s takeover of Citizens Bank.
* "LONG LIVE THE NLF" celebrates the victory of Vietnamese peasants.
* "WHAT'S HAPPENING?" suggests the author 'happened' on the scene & didn't know 'what' to say. Not far away, "I WANTED TO WRITE IN WET CEMENT FOR SO LONG! & NOW..." is more honest.
* "SATAN" was here, with his buddies "Cookie, Cougars, Anna Banana, Charlton," & "Tri-Dank."
* "PINK TOFU" is either a femme punk band or something barely digestible.
* "BUDS" in huge loopy letters seems inspired by beer or weed.
* Will there be a 10th anniversary reunion for "Jenna, Jaffa, Luanne, Diega, Gino," & "Tiffani," who petrified themselves "7/92"?
* "THE END IS NEAR" is scribed in older stone.
* "1989 MICHIGAN!" could refer to Ithaca, Michigan, said to have been founded by locals heading to the Gold Rush.
* "ZOE" exemplifies last-minute writing: faint impressions just before cement has set.
* "MACYLE" is a rare example of repaved paving, whose inscribed ravines are filled with new cement to repair the flat surface.
* Cat face cartoon with "$5": first to report location wins gift certificate to Sparrow's Wines.
* "SILLY" captures the mood of much of the above.
* Best of all are bicycle treads, hand/footprints, dog & cat prints. Decoration of sidewalks should be mandated.



PEOPLE'S CO-OP & LIVESOURCE FOOD BUYING CLUB (both of Ithaca) are forming a larger food buying club at Southside Community Center, for Monday deliveries from Finger Lakes Organics, Regional Access, & Northeast Co-ops. All welcome to orientation meeting 7/9 at Southside Community Center, 305 S. Plain, 6:30pm. southside

KITCHEN GARDEN TOUR 7/11, 6:30 pm, near Rt. 79 East. "See how experienced gardeners tackle common problems. A large vegetable garden is featured. The gardeners use an electric fence in their heavily deer-populated area." Fee $7; pre-registration required; HOURS accepted. 272-2292

"KMR22" is WINNER of gift certificate to Viva Taqueria. Reply with name/address by 7/21 to claim.

ITHACA ARTISTS' MARKET 7/21 at Ithaca Farmer's Market, 10am-4pm. "45 of the finest visual artists in the region show & sell their work... with music by Johnny Russo & Doug Robinson..." amid regular spectacular food/craft sales.


ITHACA CIRKUS puppet show on Commons 6/29 presented "John Mission & the Pirates of Libertalia: the modern version of his fight for freedom." Sara Munster was visited by her friend Kerri from Philadelphia's Puppet Uprising, so they wrote the show & made puppets & stage overnight. Some anticapitalist pirates actually established utopian island states dedicated to fraternity & equality. This show depicted a modern rebel against labor exploitation leading a strike which spreads the union ideal. saramunster

SOCIAL CHANGE THROUGH THE ARTS: PUPPET & STREET THEATER 6-8:30 pm, 7/16, Greater Ithaca Activities Center (Ithaca, NY) & 7/18-20 - Grassroots Festival. "Participants will get to show off their work at the Happiness Parade on Saturday afternoon at Grassroots." Aubryn [email protected], Marcie 255-7293.

YOUTH SUMMER ACTION TEACHES COMMUNITY ORGANIZING SKILLS Workshops: Working with the Media, Being your Own Media, & Puppet/Street Theater, Promoting Diversity & Inclusion, the Ins & Outs of Local Government Processes, & Strategic Campaign Design. Organized by the Committee on US-Latin American Relations (CUSLAR), workshops from 7/9- 8/15 meet every Tuesday & Thursday 6:30-8:30pm. Ages 13+. Free food provided. Sign up for one workshop or the whole series. Complete schedule from 255-7293 cuslar

GRASSROOTS FESTIVAL 7/18-21! Regular advance tix (adult to 7/15) $60, At the Gate (adult) - $75, Youth 13-16 - $30. Single Day Passes - Thursday $25, Friday $30, Saturday $35. Maximum One HOUR accepted/weekend ticket

"EBAUCHNER" is WINNER of gift certificate to The Bookery. Reply by 7/20 w/name/address.


WEATHER RECENTLY put on airs to knock down trees & throw water, then, deciding to be summer, rolls up sleeves, takes back its rain & steams us. Now skin catches fire in the dark, birds fly only to fan themselves, parked cars disalloy. This is payback for mild winter.
---July to date
---"I like hot weather-- I'm less tense," says Mina Muto, local restaurant cook. "Everything gets so loose." Loving the heat wave & commercial kitchen, she does Bikram Yoga close to 100 degrees. "I really hate being cold."


---Green Party candidate for NYS Governor,
Stanley Aronowitz spoke to Ithaca's "Green Jam" 6/22 on the Commons. "I'm proud to wear the spoiler label," he said. "Greens spoil the idea that corporate money, corruption & favors" are campaign necessities. "Governor Pataki has given away taxpayers' legacy to his corporate friends, as tax cuts to the rich-- $2 billion this year."
---He continued, "While the State Dormitory Authority pushes money into prison-building, there's less for schools, the environment, mass transit, single-payer health care & organic farms. What have the Democrats done as this money has dribbled away? Nothing but wring their hands."
---He said that "the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush administration is committed to an oil & nuclear-based economy built on permanent war. But we have abundant sun, wind, hydro" & energy conservation instead.
---To create a balanced budget, his campaign promotes the "stock transfer tax, a one-tenth percent tax on every sale that would have raised six billion dollars for New York state this year."
---Aronowitz, 69, is professor of Sociology at CUNY, author of 19 books, & one of the first organizers against the Vietnam War.
---Speeches by NYS Attorney General Green candidate & NYS Comptroller Green candidate will follow in next issue.


SEE SPOT GALLERY (108 Commons) where "everyone is an artist" dedicates July to everyone for artmaking. Walls are covered in paper & blackboard. Come make your first art show! Donations of art supplies welcome. "We focus on showing works by people traditionally left outside of mainstream culture." 277-7560
---One year anniversary: 7/13, 7-9pm. Music, food, drink and fun! Bring yr favorite art supplies."
--- 7/19: "Time in Malta, In Pieces, If Hope Dies" 7:30pm $6. See downstairs show by inmates at McCormick Center for youth. Gallery hours: Sun-Wed: noon-5pm, Thurs-Sat: noon-8pm.

ITHACA INDYMEDIA allows everyone to be a publisher. They suffered a denial of service attack recently, which crashed them (just before the "Art Attack" brick thrown through See Spot's window), but they're back, with office in See Spot's basement.

"ACTDICKINSON" is WINNER of two tickets to Cinemapolis/FCP. Reply by 7/21 w/name/address.



---"Over 200 paraprofessionals employed by the Ithaca City School District have won a 21 percent wage increase for the year beginning July 1. The lowest-paid members of the bargaining unit will see their wages rise by $2.40 this coming year, & almost 50% over the next three years.
---"A teacher's aide currently receiving $6.72/hour, for example, will go to $9.36 & $10.05 in 2004. A teaching assistant currently starting at $7.46/hour will go to $9.98 this coming year & $10.69 in 2004. The median wage in three years for an aide will rise to $11.65 & for an assistant to $13.15.
---"The average wage for a full-time paraprofessional in 2004 (the final year of the contract just signed) will be $17,267 ($13.49/hour), roughly 34% higher than it is currently. The wage gains mean that virtually all of the full-time paraprofessionals will be earning a living wage. Currently, only about one-third earn a living wage. (The living wage is calculated as $13,500 for the school year or $10.54/hour for a single adult without children).
---"The Living Wage Coalition campaigned for the last 18 months in support of the Ithaca Paraprofessionals Association. Literally thousands of community members played a part in this campaign. 'It shows how community members & organizations can help empower low-wage workers,' stated Carl Feuer, a member of the Steering Committee.
---"But this could not have been possible if these workers were not unionized, with a union that was determined to win a living wage, & with a leadership & membership that persevered & did not give up. 'This negotiations has been about dignity, respect & hope,' stated Debbie Minnick, President of the Ithaca Paraprofessionals Association. 'We have held out for a contract that would give us all of these.'" --Join Listserve 277-5670.

---"WHEREAS, a person working a fulltime job should be able to support him/herself without requiring public assistance, &
---"WHEREAS, the level at which a minimum wage is set affects how many working persons require public assistance, &
---"WHEREAS, in New York State the minimum wage has not been raised since 3/13/00, &
---"WHEREAS, the number of people on public assistance has a negative effect on the fiscal health of Tompkins County, now therefore be it
---"RESOLVED, That Tompkins County goes on record supporting an increase in the minimum wage for New York State [from $5.15 per hour to $6.75 per hour].

Ithaca WORK & WELFARE RIGHTS UNION (WWRU) forms. "This will be a project of the Living Wage Coalition, but will be a group primarily composed oflow-wage workers & those caught up in the welfare system. The issues of welfare rights & aliving wage seem so closely intertwined that bringing the two together seems quite appropriate.
---Picnic 7/20, 5:30-7:30, at Stewart Park small pavilion. Dish to pass. Let us know your thoughts! & *do* let any low-wage workers you know what's happening!" --Carl Feuer



"WORLD PEACEKEEPER PATRIOT SOLDIER (12" Fully Poseable Action Figure; Plays the U.S. National Anthem)" is an outstandingly crude piece of plastic kitsch being sold at Big Lots. This blond-haired, blue-eyed tool of the master race is armed to his bright white teeth, ready to train your kids to kill & die anywhere the plastic flag is pointed. Take a look.

HOME DEPOT has told its 1,400 stores not to do business with the U.S. government or its representatives (AP: 6/16). The June notification has a section that says commercial credit-card purchases cannot be made "that would cause the company to be covered by or responsible in any way for compliance with" three federal laws or executive orders:
--- * Executive Order 11246 of 1965, which bans discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
--- * Section 503 & Section 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which requires affirmative action & prohibits employment discrimination by federal government contractors & subcontractors.
--- * The Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, which requires that anyone doing business worth $25,000 or more with the federal government must take affirmative action to hire & promote qualified targeted veterans."



* July 4, 1878: P.T. BARNUM personally introduces his Greatest Show on Earth to 10,000 people in the Big Tent (currently Tops/Wegmans). An additional 10,000 were turned away.
* July 5, 1834: RHINOCEROS displayed.
* July 6, 1826: Village authorizes purchase of a HEARSE for funerals of paupers.
* July 7, 1935: GREATEST FLOOD in valley history covers half of city, raises lake 4.5 feet, drives hundreds from homes, destroys buildings & highways, kills 11 countywide.
* July 8, 1875: Woman COLLAPSES on Cayuga St. due to a tight corset.
* July 9, 1865: HAILSTORM leaves stones of ice three inches deep.
* July 10, 1940: MONKEY BITES CO-ED, runs away.
* July 11, 1953: All-time record 55 entrants in Tompkins County SOAP BOX DERBY, on Bostwick Rd.
* July 12, 1889: Foot-long baby ALLIGATOR wanders from home & "astonishes a family of children at play by giving a slight & friendly hiss."



"How would two Ithaca people go about starting a group/committee/organization? Who would we need to talk to? My housemate & I wanted to start a program to clean up the waterfalls & gorges, & I haven't heard of anyone else that does that." --Katrina Dorn
---[REPLY] You've taken the first steps to start an organization: describe what you'd like to do, then publicly ask for help. Next step is to announce time & place for your first meeting.
---Fall Creek Cleanup: first Saturday in May. Watershed Steward: Sharon Anderson 532-4104

"Many thanks for helping us get out the mob for our June 13 Brooklynites-in-Ithaca reunion. We had our best showing yet! Please add me to your e-mail list-- I love reading the Ithaca Community News. Cheers!" --Peggy Haine

"In response to your article about manufacturing in Ithaca-- My grandfather, Clarence E. Head established the Head Shirt Factory in a little room above the fire station in 1898. He moved later to a three-story building on E. Seneca St (now site of Tompkins Trust Co. parking lot). My father, C. Chaddock Head joined him as a partner after graduating from Cornell & Harvard. They manufactured shirts, ties & pajamas.
---"Some of the merchandise was sold locally from a showroom at the front of the factory's ground floor, but most garments were custom-made for business people throughout the country. My father traveled to major cities weekly to see business executives & measure them for garments.
---"My grandfather always worked alongside his employees at the factory. He was the first to arrive each day promptly at 6:00am & the last to leave. All of his workers admired & respected his fair business practices, & there was no "turnover." Through the careful workmanship of the designers, cutters, sewers, & assemblers, the Head Shirt Co. label & the distinction of being "made in Ithaca, New York" were recognized throughout the country during those 50+ years as being synonymous with quality.
---"Thank you, for the excellent newsletter you publish!" --Barbara Head Reed

"Also manfactured here since 1990: nano-technology, ideas on how to make a more efficient lithium battery, a bicycle plan that was awarded $100.000 by the federal gov't., a better way to computerize payroll systems, a better way to computerize telephone systems, a better way to computerize security systems, ideas towards affordable electric vehicles, pottery, glass, jewelry, wine, beer, organic food of all kinds, & of course our own currency system that serves the perpetuation of a local economy." --M. Mattes

"Don't forget that Ithaca was the home of Varaxaon Electronics in the 1970's. For seven years, they were the premire manufacturer of underlit lighted dance floors for discotheques around the world." --Dick Henry

"For a brief period there was a knife maker circa 1970's using the label Black Oak. And don't forget Dave Abbott (of Woolworth fame) who manufactured ladies undergarments for years in the old Challenge Industries building." --Bill Norton

"Tofu has been manufactured here before & after 1990. Seitan is also manufactured here, as well as herbal extracts." --Bill

"Please help!! The new Tops grocery store on Rt.13, Meadow street (the one next to Wegmans) has an outdoor loud speaker that blasts every message that you hear inside to the outside & right into the living rooms of the Titus Tower residents & all the neighborhood. I feel like I live in aisle 13!! It is on 24 hours a day & often wakes me up at night. I can hear literally every word. There is absolutely no good reason for them to have this on. They could put beepers on folks that frequently go outside & need to be paged. This is a serious noise pollution for the community.
---"Several people have asked politely for them to turn it off & we are completely ignored. Please everyone, CALL 275-8041 & ask for the manager...or email: [email protected] This email is for New York state so you must specify that the complaint is concerning the new Ithaca Tops on Meadow St.
---"Please demand that it be shut off completely--not turned down. If they do not turn it off, then I request that people start boycotting shopping there (& let them know you are) until they turn it off. They are alienating the very community that they want to be customers. Just think if ALL stores in Ithaca started doing this!!! " --Lindy Cummings

"Please add my lover to your list, so he too can receive this informative & sometimes shocking newsletter!" --Nicole D.

"Surely Mark G. Simon [Music Critic, Ithaca Times], you haven't exhausted all your options in satiating your refined musical thirst. Rather than driving to Syracuse & dirty-ing up the environment or patronizing Borders Ithaca, you could save yourself some money by ordering Classical CDs, even used Classical CDs off the internet." --Ellen Mary Woods

"I would like to correct a statement I made in a letter to last week's issue of this newsletter. By compressing two thoughts into one sentence I managed to contradict one thought with the other. The offending sentence should be expanded to read: "True, one can find a smattering of interesting classical fare at Sounds Fine & the Bookery. These stores are making a small but significant effort to counteract the trend followed by other Ithaca record stores of stocking mostly dumed-down compilations of the 'Mozart to improve your kid's test scores' variety...." Ithaca Books is another store I routinely visit for interesting surprises. The other part of my original statement, that "the selection is not deep" still holds, though, & it's probably the nature of the business these days that only a large store like Borders is going to be able to stock the kind of comprehensive selection that classical music buyers expect. For this reason I will continue to be irritated at the automatic Borders bashing which I see in this newsletter on a regular basis." ---Mark G. Simon

"Use Borders! a menu, then order items from independent shops." --Joe Cummins

"I wanted to respect you for bringing both sides of the radiation reality [irradiated food at Wegman's] to the fore & for us to read-- I still have mixed feelings." --Brian
---[REPLY] I've learned that the pro-irradiation website noted last issue is hosted by an industry front organization (ACSH) chaired by Alan Moghissi, who has fought removal of asbestos from schoolrooms, and says that higher levels of CO2 are good for the agriculture industry: Center for Food Safety

"JTHANIELSZ" is WINNER of gift certificate to ABC Cafe. Reply w/name/address by 7/21 . At ABC 7/10 Biddie Sullivan; 7/13 Lou Hinkly blues; every Thursday is Jazz Night 9:30pm-midnight.

"I wasn't sure where I was supposed to be sending a name & address to claim a gift certificate. To you? Maxie's is my favorite restaurant. Thanks!" --Nancy
---[REPLY] Yes, to claim gift certificates, reply here [email protected] with your name/address.

"KATES" is WINNER of gift certificates to Maxie's.

"Are you aware that the powers at large are about to break ground on a 520 MegaWatt Fossil fuel power plant a stone's throw from Ithaca? I just found out, & I thought you might know how to get the word out." --Todd Stein
---[REPLY] The need to rebuild our housing stock & transportation systems to rely less on fossil fuels has been apparent for decades. As your literature says, the American Heart Assn, American Lung Assn & USEPA have identified power plant pollutants as a cause of leukemia, heart disease & strokes. Thus passes another Dependence Day.

"That's the most poetic approach to weather reporting I've ever read. It tells the true story of our recent local weather, better than anyone could on the Weather Channel. Please consider a new career as a full-time weather poet." --Lee M.
---[REPLY] Thanks! Weather is poetry.

"I really appreciate this newsletter, particularly as at the moment I'm in England, & it is a great way to keep up with Ithaca news! Thanks for all your work. Also, I'm Looking for a responsible, non-smoking housesitter, 9/19 - 10/23, for large house near Cornell. 2 cats, houseplants. Phone after 8/11. " Leslie & Martin, 272-0858

"Could you send me the June news #1 again? I never got to read it & inadvertantly lost it." --CW
---[REPLY] All back issues are at

"I took issue with you when you said, 'National resources are dedicated, however, to avenging 9/11 & militarizing the economy, rather than to solving far greater daily mayhem.'
---"In your reply to my message, you state, 'Yet the Oil President pretends there is no urgency to reduce dependence on imported oil. This is ignorance more terrifying than terrorism. We will lose our freedoms combatting enemies that are conquered only by energy conservation.'
---"I know I must be missing something, because your reply brings up a whole new issue. I agree with you about the Oil President. But what has that to do with: 'National resources are dedicated, however, to avenging 9/11 & militarizing the economy.' --Bill Baum
---[REPLY] National resources & budget are being shifted from health care, environmental repair, education & housing to military action (including preemptive nuclear war) which props up the Oil President's petroleum economy.

"I suggest Bill Baum take a careful look at the history of U.S. foreign policy since the 1950s. If he believes that dictatorships result in terrorism, I'm sure he will be appalled to know that his country has been a world leader in overthrowing democratically elected governments, arming dictatorships, & providing the funds & equipment to attack citizens of those countries who insisted on their right to free speech, freedom of religion, & freedom of the press. He might be surprised to learn that the US has been found guilty of breaking international law by the World Court. ---"It is illogical to think that US actions around the globe would not result in resentment toward the United States. It is equally illogical to argue that funding antiterrorism measures that restrict rights in the US will keep civilians safe. Until the US grows up & acts like an adult in the world community, instead of the bully of the planetary playground, nothing can keep US citizens safe from its own government or from the rage of its victims." --Vivien Rose

"Great newsletter-- even though I now live in Boston I still love reading it! Just wanted to bring a small but important correction (which most will figure out on their own) to your attention: you provided a link to www.smartgrowth.COM. I think you meant: --jess nolan

"I've evidently won two tickets to Cinemopolis/Fall Creek Pictures. Thanks for the gift, but most of all, thanks for your 'Ithaca Community News'!!" --Joan Caissa Wilmer

"Heil Bush!-- Constitution Suspended: The Bush administration pressed forward with its argument that 'enemy combatants' should not have access to a lawyer even if they are American citizens (!!!!), in a federal case that will have broad implications for the administration's strategy in the war against terrorism (Boston Globe). In an unusual telephone conference call with three appellate judges, Deputy Solicitor General Paul Clement reiterated the administration's assertion that the president alone has the power to make a determination-- not subject to judicial review-- that someone is an enemy combatant & that such people should not have access to lawyers. Enemy combatants can also be detained until the war on terrorism ends (!!!!)-- another determination that the president alone is empowered to make." --Charles Dunaway

"Hi, I took some photos of the fireworks last nite and some flowers from my yard. --Christophari


EDITORIAL Since 2000, Ithaca Community News has presented an independent collage of Ithaca activism & Ithacana. Our ever-expanding network of local residents gives voice to new ideas & old gripes, helping Ithacans organize good stuff & challenge bad stuff.
---Editorials proudly favor small businesses, small farms, & nonprofit groups which contribute to environmental repair & social justice. Ithaca Community News is non-commercial-- offering free links to any enterprise or event willing to accept Ithaca HOURS
---Each edition requires about 12 hours to assemble & format. 26 editions yearly total about 300 hours. The editor would thus be grateful to receive large or small donations totalling about $3,000 yearly for this part-time effort: Ithaca News, Box 365, Ithaca, NY 14851
---Thanks, Paul Glover


INTERNATIONAL CESAREAN AWARENESS NETWORK chapter forming in Ithaca. "Works to lower the rate of unnecessary cesareans, supports vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), & encourages positive birthing through education & advocacy. Vanessa

ITHACA HEALTH FUND pioneer member David Elliott says, "Where else can you submit your medical bill on a Sunday at a picnic & get immediate reimbursement?" 468 Members are co-owners of $132,824.44. They've made 106 payments to fellow members.

"EOA2" is WINNER of $10 gift certificate to White Lotus Futons catalog HOURS accepted. Reply by 7/20 to claim.


---"An 8-yr old Ithacan when asked to name a U.S. President beginning with the letter "R" responded confidently: "Ralph Nader!"
---"Neighbors with quiet lawnmowers live happily & quietly in our hoods. Several homes share one mower. Here are some of the reasons given for using hand push & electric cordless mowers;
* zero emissions; a gas-powered mower running for 30 minutes creates more air pollution than driving a car for 200 miles; * clean, quiet, easy to start, no exhaust blowing in ones face;
* free of ethical dilemma & costs of using gas or oil;
* fun to share; a family on first St shares their electric mower with 5 other households

WILD WEST END by Anne Marie Whelan

"OURMAGICTOUCH" is WINNER of gift certificate to Cafe Strand. Reply by 7/21 to claim.



MISSING DOG: "spayed female Aussie Shepherd mix, 50 lbs, long orange & white fur, big brown eyes w/ black 'eye liner,' blue collar w/ Michigan tags, "Zoe" bolted during thunder storm 6/27 in Fall Creek. Mariah 277-2720 (h) 255-3490 (w), SPCA, collar."

"We moved away from Ithaca 6 years ago & we want to come 'home.' Small family of four + dog seeks country home. Quiet, music-loving ,willing to convert garage, etc. Seeking owner-financing." 847-9982

FREE COMPUTER: Performa 630CD Mac w/ printer, CD slot, ext modem & basic software. Slower than newer, but works fine. --Kati

MACROBIOTIC COOKING CLASSES at Kiraku, in Freeville: register 844-8813 HOURS accepted. * Children's Summer Favorites 7/6 (8:00- 9:30) ; * Yin & Yang of Grains 7/10 (7-8:30pm) ; * Men's Cooking Class 7/13 (8-9:30am); * The Sweetness of Life 7/17 (7-8:30pm).

USING HERBS TO BEE WELL! 7/17Autumn Leaves 115 Commons, 6:00 - 7:30pm "Learn about local, wild plants & how you can use them to help you Bee Well!" $10-$20 sliding scale, Ithaca HOURS, Barter & Trade, Ithaca Health Fund: Shawn Tubridy & Heather Bretz: register 387-8343


MUSEFEST 2002 tickets now available: 30 bands 8/30-9/1

"INFO@DAVANITA" is WINNER of gift certificate to Harvest Deli. Reply by 7/21. "COLIN" is WINNER of gift certificate to Conkie's Restaurant. Reply by 7/21 to claim.


Thanks to Homer & Jane at LIGHTLINK for reliable internet services.


EDITOR: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>