INVESTOR CAPITAL SOUGHT First Name: Last Name: Business Name: Address: City: State: 19019 19059 19092 19093 19099 19101 19102 19103 19104 19106 19107 19111 19112 19113 19114 19115 19116 19118 19119 19120 19121 19122 19123 19124 19125 19126 19127 19128 19129 19130 19131 19132 19133 19134 19135 19136 19137 19138 19139 19140 19141 19142 19143 19144 19145 19146 19147 19148 19149 19150 19151 19152 19153 19154 19155 19160 19161 19162 19170 19171 19172 19173 19175 19177 19178 19179 19181 19182 19183 19184 19185 19187 19188 19191 19192 19193 19194 19196 19197 19244 19255 Must select one of these area codes: MUST SELECT AN AREA CODE 215 267 484 610 Phone: MAXIMUM 7 DIGITS Email: @ Resume Attach: USERNAME, PASSWORD, TYPE IN RANDOM LETTER/NUMBER COMBINATION Here's my green business idea: Amount needed $ to $ Preferred repayment period years BUSINESS PLAN ATTACHED MUST SELECT AT LEAST ONE CATEGORY BELOW Energy alternatives solar active passive wind hydro efficiency superwindows superinsulation weatherization cogeneration Buildings LEED ecolonies adaptive re-use low-income eco-homes materials alternatives bamboo recycled Transportation SEPTA bicycles solar scooters pedicabs wheelchair access Urban Agriculture orchards community gardens green roofs composting (leaves, manures, etc) soil remediation brownfields depaving Recycling Sewerage Reform low-flush toilets compost toilets lagoon clarification Paper tree-free Local Currency Neighborhood MediCash HOME