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PAUL GLOVER ESSAYS: community control of food, fuel, housing, health care, planning, education, finance.

May 2016 * Feel the Bern and Pour on the Heat
April 2016 * Speech at Tuskegee University
September 2015 * Logan Orchard and Market (LOAM)
January 2015 * Police Integrity Commission
December 2014 * My White Privilege
October 2014 * Los Angeles Dry and High
November 2013 * A Short History of the Democratic Party
August 2013 * Soft Landing for the Middle Class
May 2013 * Quotes by Paul Glover
July 2012 * Measuring Immeasurable Change
November 2011 * Occupy Philly: A Green Agenda
November 2011 * Deep Green Jobs: More than a Paycheck
October 2011 * Seize Wall Street
September 2011 * 9/11: Free Nation Day
July 2011 * Labor: the New Gold Standard     
* Trabajo: El Nuevo Patrón Oro
June 2011 * Healthy Rebellion: League of Uninsured Voters (LUV)
May 2011 * From the Middle Class to the Mutual Class
January 2011 * How to Take Power
October 2010 * From Food Co-op to Food Corp
June 2010 * Patch Adams Free Clinic
May 2010 * Time for Millennials to Take Control
March 2010 * Fresh Cash for Philadelphia
October 2009 * Green Jobs and the Lottery
July 2009 * A Recipe for Successful Local Currency
June 2009 * The Economy Should Be Fun
January 2009 * Prepare for the Best: A Guide to Philly's Green Future     
* Preparate para lo Mejor: El Futuro Verde
October 2008 * Philly's Choice: Green City or Ghost Town
September 2008 * Neighborhood Enterprise SchoolTeachers (NESTS)
November 2007 * The Destiny of Dollars
July 2007 * A Crime Not a Crisis:
Why Health Insurance Costs So Much
January 2007 * Philadelphia: The Next Great Orchard
July 2006 * Greenplanners
August 2005 * Health Democracy
January 2005 * Ithaca Community News ARCHIVES 2000-2005
November 2004 * Ithaca's Homegrown Health System
August 2004 * "Oil Must Go!"
October 2003 * Green Party Candidacy for Mayor
April 2003 * Big Problems Need Little Solutions
April 2003 * Ithaca FrenchFest
August 2002 * Whole Ithaca Stock Exchange (WISE)
May 2002 * Pro-Life or Pro-Fetus?
February 2002 * Book Review of "Money" by Tom Greco
November 2001 * A Reply to Harper's Magazine
October 2001 * Instead of War: Localizing While Globalizing
September 2001 * Why the United States Will Lose this War
May 2001 * Chain Stores in Ithaca
April 2001 * GreenStar's GreenFuture:
Keeping Food Co-ops Cooperative
March 2001 * Student Recycling Project
January 2001 * China Visits Ithaca HOURS
November 2000 * Proud to Live in a Progressive City
October 2000 * Grassroots Economic Development
March 2000 * Largest HOUR Loan
February 2000 * The Ithaca Jerbil: satire of Ithaca Journal
January 2000 * A History of Ithaca HOURS
August 1999 * Cornell's Activist History and Future
June 1999 * Shopping is Voting (cartoon)
April 1999 * How to Manage a Community Currency (cartoon)
March 1999 * Taking Control of Health Costs (cartoon)
February 1999 * Who Controls Money? In Ithaca, You Do!
December 1998 * The Multiplier Effect of Local Currency
October 1998 * City Hall vs. Ithaca
September 1998 * Losing Our Chains: the history of Wal-Mart
August 1998 * Protecting Against Computer Chaos
July 1998 * Enriching Our Lives
February 1998 * Commons Destiny
December 1997 * Stock Market Long Range Forecast
October 1997 * United Workers of Ithaca
August 1997 * We Print Our Own Money! The t-shirt.
April 1997 * Ithaca Health Fund
February 1997 * Fair Pay Forum
October 1996 * Retail & Professional Guide to Ithaca HOURS
August 1996 * Proudly Introducing the Ithaca Hemp Half HOUR
April 1996 * Your Dream Job
February 1996 * Five Months in the Life of an HOUR
December 1995 * Ithaca's New Mayor
October 1995 * Dollars Control People. HOURS Connect People.
June 1995 * Why HOURS are ECOLOGY Money
April 1995 * Get What You Need Without Dollars
February 1995 * Growing Jobs: Grassroots Economic Development
January 1995 * Praise Police
December 1994 * The Gift of Community
November 1994 * The Ithaca HOUR Game
October 1994 * Banking on Ithaca
July 1994 * Five Big Reasons to STOP Wal-Mart
June 1994 * Does Ithaca Need Wal-mart?
June 1993 * Bartertoons
March 1993 * Why Ithaca, NY is Bad for Business (satire)
August 1992 * Return of the Ithaca Trolley
July 1992 * Malcolm X Money
June 1992 * The Quick History of Money in Ithaca
March 1992 * Real Money vs. Funny Money
January 1992 * Strength of Ithaca HOUR Grows
While Value of Dollar Declines
December 1991 * Powerful Average People Taking Control
October 1991 * HOUR Questions Answered
March 1991 * The Enemy Within
February 1991 * The Ithaca Journal Goes to War
December 1988 * Ithaca Power: comprehensive local energy summary
June 1988 * Serving the Donut: Comprehensive Planning in Ithaca
September 1987 * What's Next for Ithaca: Sprawl Control
July 1987 * Run for It: You can be a winner in local elections
June 1987 * Bigger or Better: Ithaca Decides
March 1987 * People Who Do Not Watch TV
February 1987 * Where Does Ithaca's Food Come From?
November 1986 * Ithaca Money: Better than Bucks (LETS)
June 1986 * Letters from Nicaragua
March 1984 * Citizen Planners of Los Angeles
December 1982 * Los Angeles: A History of the Future
December 1978 * Walk Across the United States: Boston to San Diego
May 1978 * Citizen Planners (poster)
July 1977 * How to End a Highway Plan: Step Two (cartoon)
June 1977 * How to End a Highway Plan: Step One
November 1975 * Amazing Ithaca History Calendar 1976
May 1974 * Complete Epochal Hs.tory of Tompkins County (cartoon)
October 1971 * No Deposit. No Return.
Organizing Sanitation Workers in Louisiana

Labor: the New Gold Standard
A Recipe for Successful Local Currency
Dollars Control People,
        HOURS Connect People.
Real Money vs. Funny Money
Strength of Ithaca HOUR Grows
        While Value of Dollar Declines
Powerful Average People Taking Control
HOUR Questions Answered
Whole Ithaca Stock Exchange (WISE)
China Visits Ithaca HOURS
Grassroots Economic Development
Largest HOUR Loan
A History of Ithaca HOURS
The Quick History of Money in Ithaca
How to Manage a Community Currency
Who Controls Money? You Do!
The Ithaca HOUR Game
Enriching Our Lives
Stock Market Long Range Forecast
We Print Our Own Money! The t-shirt.
Retail & Professional Guide
        to Ithaca HOURS
Proudly Introducing the
        Ithaca Hemp Half HOUR
Five Months in the Life of an HOUR
Get What You Need Without Dollars
Book Review of "Money" by Tom Greco
A Reply to Harper's Magazine
Measuring Immeasurable Change
The Gift of Community
Banking on Ithaca
Malcolm X Money
Ithaca LETS: Better than Bucks

Deep Green Jobs: More than a Paycheck
From the Middle Class
        to the Mutual Class
The Economy Should Be Fun
Green Jobs and the Lottery
Big Problems Need Little Solutions
United Workers of Ithaca
Your Dream Job
Fair Pay Forum
No Deposit. No Return.  Organizing
        Louisiana Sanitation Workers

How to Take Power
Time for Millennials to Take Control
Seize Wall Street
Green Party Candidacy for Mayor
Cornell's Activist History and Future
City Hall vs. Ithaca
Ithaca's New Mayor
Run for It:
You can be a winner in local elections

Where Does Ithaca's Food Come From?
From Food Co-op to Food Corp
Philadelphia: The Next Great Orchard
Shopping is Voting (cartoon)
GreenStar's GreenFuture:
 Keeping Food Co-ops Cooperative

Ithaca Power:
        comprehensive local energy summary
"Oil Must Go!"

Los Angeles: A History of the Future

Patch Adams Free Clinic
Ithaca's Homegrown Health System
Ithaca Health Fund
Healthy Rebellion:
League of Uninsured Voters (LUV)
A Crime Not a Crisis:
        Why Health Insurance Costs So Much
Pro-Life or Pro-Fetus?
Taking Control of Health Costs (cartoon)

Return of the Ithaca Trolley
How to End a Highway Plan: Step One
How to End a Highway Plan: Step Two
Los Angeles: A History of the Future

Prepare for the Best:
        A Guide to Philly's Green Future
Citizen Planners of Los Angeles
Citizen Planners (poster)
Los Angeles: A History of the Future
Philly's Choice:
        Green City or Ghost Town
Walk Across the United States:
        Boston to San Diego
Protecting Against Computer Chaos
Commons Destiny
Serving the Donut:
        Comprehensive Planning in Ithaca
What's Next forIthaca: Sprawl Control
        Bigger or Better: Ithaca Decides

Neighborhood Enterprise
        SchoolTeachers (NESTS)

Commons Destiny
Why Ithaca, NY is Bad for Business
Complete Epochal Hs.tory
        of Tompkins County (cartoon)
Chain Stores in Ithaca
M Does Ithaca Need Wal-Mart?
M Five Reasons to STOP Wal-Mart
Losing Our Chains: history of Wal-Mart

Ithaca Community News
    ARCHIVES 2000-2005
The Ithaca Jerbil:
       satire of Ithaca Journal
The Ithaca Journal Goes to War
People Who Do Not Watch TV

The Enemy Within
Why the United States Will Lose this War
Instead of War:
        Localizing While Globalizing
Letters from Nicaragua
Ithaca FrenchFest


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